OAR 409-045-0115
Telemedicine Providers General Applicability Credentialing Requirements

(1) These rules apply to all:
(a) Telemedicine health care practitioners who provide telemedicine services from any distant-site hospital in Oregon to patients in originating-site hospitals in Oregon.
(b) Originating-site hospitals located in Oregon that credential telemedicine health care practitioners located at distant-site hospitals in Oregon.
(2) Completion of credentialing requirements does not require a governing body of a hospital to grant privileges to a telemedicine health care practitioner and does not affect the responsibilities of a governing body under ORS 441.055 (Health care facility medical staff and bylaws).

Source: Rule 409-045-0115 — Telemedicine Providers General Applicability Credentialing Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-045-0115’s source at