OAR 461-155-0070
Income and Payment Standard; EA


The income limit in the EA program is the TANF adjusted income or payment standard found in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF). A client is ineligible for emergency assistance in any month he or she is eligible for the TANF program unless the grant for that month is less than the payment standard only because the grant was prorated for the month.


EA benefits are limited as follows:


The program will provide only the minimum amount necessary to meet the emergent need.


The maximum EA benefit amount for the 30-day eligibility period is $100.


Payments for food cannot exceed the maximum SNAP allotment by household size.


The client is not eligible for an EA payment unless the payment enables the client to resolve the emergent need in its entirety without receiving JOBS support service payments (see OAR 461-190-0211 (Case Plan Activities and Standards for Support Service Payments; JOBS, Pre-TANF, REF, REP, SFPSS, TANF) and 461-190-0221).

Source: Rule 461-155-0070 — Income and Payment Standard; EA, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-155-0070’s source at