OAR 461-155-0295
Income Standard; QMB-SMB, QMB-SMF

(1) Eligibility for QMB-SMB requires income greater than 100 percent (see OAR 461-155-0290 (Income Standard; QMB-BAS)) but less than 120 percent of the federal poverty level. The adjusted income standard for QMB-SMB is 120 percent of the 2021 federal poverty level.


Eligibility for QMB-SMF requires income equal to or greater than 120 percent (see section (1) of this rule) but less than 135 percent of the federal poverty level. The adjusted income standard for QMB-SMF is 135 percent of the 2021 federal poverty level.
[ED. NOTE: To view attachments referenced in rule text, click here to view rule.]

Source: Rule 461-155-0295 — Income Standard; QMB-SMB, QMB-SMF, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-155-0295’s source at