OAR 461-155-0030
Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF

Retroactively effective July 6, 2020:


In the REF and TANF programs, the standards in this rule are applied to determine eligibility (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) and benefit amount as provided in OAR 461-160-0100 (How Income Affects Eligibility and Benefits; REF, SFPSS, TANF).


The Countable Income Limit Standards in this section apply to all individuals applying for or receiving REF or TANF benefits who are not eligible for the Exit Limit Increase (ELI) Standards in section (3) of this rule.


For each need group (see OAR 461-110-0630 (Need Group)) containing an adult, the following table is used:


For each need group containing no adult, the following table is used:


In the TANF program, a caretaker relative (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) other than a parent (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) who chooses not to be included in the need group is subject to the “non-needy caretaker relative countable income limit standard” for the filing group which is set at 185 percent of the federal poverty level (see OAR 461-155-0180 (Income Standards; Not OSIP, OSIPM, QMB)).


The ELI Standards in this section serve as the countable and adjusted income limits when the following requirements are met:


The income of the benefit group includes earned income (see OAR 461-145-0120 (Earned Income; Defined)).


The earned income was earned by an individual in the benefit group.


The ELI Standards are used:


During the certification period (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)),


When the filing date (see OAR 461-115-0040 (Filing Date; REF, SNAP, TANF)) is established on or before the last day of the certification period of the benefit group, or


When TANF benefits of the benefit group were closed due to earned income and the benefit group establishes a filing date within 30 days following the closure.


For each need group containing an adult, the following table is used:


For each need group containing no adult, the following table is used:


The Adjusted Income Limit Standards in this section apply to all individuals applying for or receiving REF or TANF benefits who are not eligible for the ELI Standards in section (3) of this rule.


For each need group containing an adult, the following table is used:


For each need group containing no adult, the following table is used:


The Payment Standards in this section are used to calculate benefit amounts for individuals receiving REF or TANF benefits.


For each benefit group containing an adult, the following table is used:


For each benefit group containing no adult, the following table is used:
[ED. NOTE: To view attachments referenced in rule text, click here to view rule.]

Source: Rule 461-155-0030 — Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-155-0030’s source at