OAR 461-155-0210
Payment Standards and Methods of Issuance; GA


For purposes of this rule, “eligible spouse” means a spouse (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) who is eligible for and receiving OSIPM under OAR 461-125-0370 (Disability as the Basis of Need)(c).


The GA payment standards are:


$545 for one person.


$818 for two persons.


The payments for one person are as follows:


The Housing Assistance Payment is the least of:


The amount of monthly rent the individual owes,


$545 minus the adjusted income determined under OAR 461-160-0500 (Use of Income to Determine Benefits; GA), or




The Utility Allowance is $90.


The Personal Incidental Fund is $60.


The payments for two people are as follows:


For a married individual whose spouse is in the OSIPM household group and is considered an eligible spouse, the Housing Assistance Payment for each eligible spouse is half of the total Housing Assistance Payment, which is the least of:


The amount of monthly rent the individual and spouse owe;


$818 minus the adjusted income determined under OAR 461-160-0500 (Use of Income to Determine Benefits; GA), or


(b) For a married individual whose spouse is in the OSIPM household group and is not considered an eligible spouse, the Housing Assistance Payment is the least of:


The amount of monthly rent the individual and spouse owe;


$818 minus the adjusted income determined under OAR 461-160-0500 (Use of Income to Determine Benefits; GA), or




The Utility Allowance is $139.


The Personal Incidental Fund is $93.


The Housing Assistance Payment is issued directly to the landlord and is contingent upon the receipt of a signed and valid Rental Agreement.


The Utility Allowance is issued directly to the individual.


The Personal Incidental Fund is issued directly to the individual.

Source: Rule 461-155-0210 — Payment Standards and Methods of Issuance; GA, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=461-155-0210.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-155-0210’s source at