OAR 461-155-0526
Special Need; Community Transition Services; OSIP and OSIPM

In the OSIP and OSIPM programs:


When an individual who has been admitted as an inpatient is leaving a psychiatric hospital or is being transitioned out of a nursing facility:


The Department may authorize one-time payments for allowable expenses necessary to set up housing in Oregon in the individual’s own home or apartment, or a community-based care facility.


Payments made to a community-based care facility under subsection (a) of this section may only be made if the facility is not required to provide the item covered by the payment by contract or by the administrative rules governing assisted living facilities (OAR 411-054-0000 (Purpose) to 411-054-0300 (Assisted Living Facility Building Requirements)). Payments are allowed only for an individual leaving a psychiatric hospital or nursing facility and returning to the community if the individual meets the criteria for one of the service priority levels served by the Department according to OAR 411-015-0015 (Current Limitations)(1).


An individual eligible for transition services under OAR 411-035-0070 (Eligibility for Consumer Transition Services) is ineligible for payments under this rule.


Examples of allowable expenses are expenses for: moving belongings; housing security deposits; essential furnishings; eating utensils; food preparation items; deposits for utility hook-ups for heat, electricity, and telephone; climate control; and health and safety measures such as pest eradication or allergen control.


Expenses not allowed include: ongoing housing or utility payments; and recreational items such as a television, cable, or internet access.


Payment will be authorized only for the minimum amount necessary to establish the individual’s basic living arrangement.

Source: Rule 461-155-0526 — Special Need; Community Transition Services; OSIP and OSIPM, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=461-155-0526.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-155-0526’s source at