OAR 581-023-0018
Resident Enrollment and Resident Average Daily Membership by County Lines

To provide a basis for budgeting purposes and for final distribution of the Common School Fund and the County School Fund to the school districts, the following procedure shall be followed:


Each school district shall report to the Oregon Department of Education the resident county of each student in the district’s reports of enrollment, attendance, and membership. The resident county for each pupil shall be the county in which the student resides, regardless of where the student may attend school. Such reports shall be due within 15 days after the close of the respective periods.


The Department of Education will calculate by county the resident average daily membership (ADM — As defined in ORS 327.006 (Definitions for State School Fund distributions)) of the joint districts based on the county of residence for each pupil as reported by each district.


By March 15 the Department of Education will certify to each Education Service District (ESD) or county school district the December 31 report of resident ADM by county lines. These data are to be used for purposes of budgeting each district’s share of estimated receipts from the Common School Fund and the County School Fund.


By November 1, the Department of Education will certify to each ESD or county school district the June 30 report of resident ADM by county lines. These data are to be used for purposes of final distribution to the districts of the Common School Fund and the County School Fund.

Source: Rule 581-023-0018 — Resident Enrollment and Resident Average Daily Membership by County Lines, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=581-023-0018.

Student Accounting Records and State Reporting
Accountable Activities for Alternative Education Programs
Small High School Grants
Additional Remote Small Elementary School and Small High School Weightings
Resident Enrollment and Resident Average Daily Membership by County Lines
School Census
Funding for Youth Corrections and Juvenile Detention Education Programs
Budgeting and Accounting for Schools
Factors for when audit initiated by Department
Audit Statement of Revenue and Expenditure Accounts by Fund
Audit Requirements for School Food and Nutrition Services
Approved Transportation Costs for Payments from the State School Fund
Computation of Net Operating Expenditures
State Superintendent’s Approval of Bonded Debt for Nonstandard and Conditionally Standard School Districts
Eligibility Criteria for Student Weighting for Purposes of State School Fund Distribution
Poverty Eligibility Determination for Purposes of State School Fund Distribution
Reimbursement to School Districts for Children with High Cost Disabilities
Calculation of Extended ADMw for Charter Schools
School Improvement Fund
State Education Lottery Bonds
Facility Grant
School Revenue Forecast
English Language Learner Revenue and Expenditure Report Criteria
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-023-0018’s source at or​.us