OAR 581-023-0022
Funding for Youth Corrections and Juvenile Detention Education Programs


The following definitions shall apply for purposes of calculating the State School Fund distribution to the Youth Corrections Education Program and Juvenile Detention Education Program:


“Statewide Average General Purpose Grant per ADMw” means the aggregate general-purpose grants for all school districts divided by total ADMw for all school districts;


“ADM” means average daily membership as calculated based on the procedures and definitions in OAR 581-023-0006 (Student Accounting Records and State Reporting).


If in any fiscal year the General Purpose Grant cannot be calculated as a result of temporary changes to the State School Fund distribution formula, the General Purpose Grant per ADMw shall be the same amount as in the last fiscal year that this factor was calculated.


The amount of the distribution from the State School Fund shall be calculated using the following formulas:


For the Youth Corrections Education Program, the amount shall be equal to the product of the Youth Corrections Education Program ADM times 2.0 times Statewide Average General Purpose Grant per ADMw.


For the Juvenile Detention Education Program, the amount shall be equal to the product of the Juvenile Detention Education Program ADM times 1.5 times Statewide Average General Purpose Grant per ADMw.


Based on estimates of the distribution calculated in section (3) of this rule, funds shall be transferred to the Youth Corrections and Juvenile Detention Education Program approximately 35 percent on the 15th day of each of the months of July and October, 15 percent on the 15th day of January, and the balance on April 15.


Adjustments to reflect actual Youth Correction Education Program ADM, Juvenile Detention Education Program ADM, and the actual Statewide Average General Purpose Grant per ADMw shall be made on May 15 of the subsequent fiscal year.

Source: Rule 581-023-0022 — Funding for Youth Corrections and Juvenile Detention Education Programs, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=581-023-0022.

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Funding for Youth Corrections and Juvenile Detention Education Programs
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Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-023-0022’s source at or​.us