OAR 584-220-0120
Legacy Teaching Endorsements


Purpose: Legacy endorsements may be added to Legacy, Preliminary, Professional, and Teacher Leader licenses for eligible educators who worked in qualifying legacy endorsement areas prior to January 1, 2016. A Legacy teaching endorsement on a license indicates that the educator is eligible for teaching assignments in prekindergarten through grade twelve as provided by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) course codes associated with the endorsement as provided by the TSPC course catalogue.


An applicant may qualify for an eligible legacy teaching endorsement to their existing license through:


An evaluation of teaching experience while holding a Basic or Standard Teaching License;


An evaluation of the designation of “Highly Qualified” under the federal No Child Left Behind Act; or


Holding an Initial I, Initial II, Continuing or Professional teaching license with a multiple-subjects endorsement authorized at the middle level prior to July 1, 2015.
(3) Legacy Endorsements: The Commission has adopted the following legacy teaching endorsements for qualifying teachers:
(a) Legacy Advanced Mathematics (Available to Highly Qualified)
(b) Legacy Art (Available to Highly Qualified and Basics/Standards)
(c) Legacy Biology (Available to Highly Qualified)
(d) Legacy Career Trades: Generalist (Available to Basics/Standards)
(e) Legacy Chemistry (Available to Highly Qualified)
(f) Legacy English Language Arts (Available to Highly Qualified)
(g) Legacy English to Speakers of Other Languages (Available to Basics/Standards)
(h) Legacy Family and Consumer Science (Available to Basics/Standards)
(i) Legacy Foundational English Language Arts (Available to Highly Qualified)
(j) Legacy Foundational Mathematics (Available to Highly Qualified)
(k) Legacy Foundational Science (Available to Highly Qualified)
(l) Legacy Foundational Social Studies (Available to Highly Qualified)
(m) Legacy Health (Available to Basics/Standards)
(n) Legacy Integrated Science (Available to Highly Qualified)
(o) Legacy Library Media (Available to Basics/Standards)
(p) Legacy Middle Level (Available to Initial/Continuing with Multiple Subjects endorsement –authorized at the Middle Level)
(q) Legacy Music (Available to Highly Qualified and Basics/Standards)
(r) Legacy Physical Education (Available to Basics/Standards)
(s) Legacy Physics (Available to Highly Qualified)
(t) Legacy Reading Intervention (Available to Highly Qualified and Basics/Standards)
(u) Legacy Social Studies (Available to Highly Qualified)
(v) Legacy Special Education for Elementary Multiple-Subjects (Available to Highly Qualified)
(w) Legacy World Language [Available for Highly Qualified (French, German and Spanish) and Basics/Standards]
(4) Legacy Advanced Mathematics: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Advanced Mathematics to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Advanced Mathematics under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in advanced mathematics prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for advanced mathematics. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(5) Legacy Art: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Art to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching Art in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy Art endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) Art endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy Art Endorsement; or
(b) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Art under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in Art prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for Art. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation.; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.
(c) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(6) Legacy Biology: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Biology to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Biology under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in Biology prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for Biology. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation.; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(7) Legacy Career Trades: Generalist: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Career Trades: Generalist to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching Career Trades: Generalist in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy Career Trades: Generalist endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) Career Trades: Generalist endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy Career Trades: Generalist Endorsement.
(b) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(8) Legacy Chemistry: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Chemistry to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Chemistry under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in Chemistry prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for Chemistry. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(9) Legacy English Language Arts: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy English Language Arts to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in English Language Arts under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in English Language Arts prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for English Language Arts. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(10) Legacy English to Speakers of Other Languages: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy English to Speakers of Other Languages to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy English to Speakers of Other Languages endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) English to Speakers of Other Languages endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy English to Speakers of Other Languages endorsement.
(b) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(11) Legacy Family and Consumer Science: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Family and Consumer Science to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching Family and Consumer Science in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy Family and Consumer Science endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) Family and Consumer Science endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy Family and Consumer Science endorsement.
(b) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(12) Legacy Foundational English Language Arts: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Foundational English Language Arts to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Foundational English Language Arts under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in Foundational English Language Arts prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for Foundational English Language Arts. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(13) Legacy Foundational Mathematics: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Foundational Mathematics to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Foundational Mathematics under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in foundational mathematics prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for foundational mathematics. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(14) Legacy Foundational Science: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Foundational Science to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Foundational Science under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in foundational science prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for foundational science. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(15) Legacy Foundational Social Studies: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Foundational Social Studies to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Foundational Social Studies under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in foundational social studies prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for foundational social studies. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation.; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(16) Legacy Health: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Health to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching Health in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy Health endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) Health endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy Health endorsement.
(b) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(17) Legacy Integrated Science: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Integrated Science to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Integrated Science under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in science prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for science. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(18) Legacy Library Media: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Library Media to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching Library Media in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy Library Media endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) Library Media endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy Library Media endorsement.
(b) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(19) Legacy Middle Level: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Middle Level endorsement to a Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, the educator must have held a Multiple Subjects endorsement authorized at the Middle Level on an Initial I, Initial II, Continuing or Professional teaching license prior to July 1, 2015.
(20) Legacy Music: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Music to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching Music in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy Music endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) Music endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy Music Endorsement; or
(b) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Music under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in music prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for Music. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(21) Legacy Physical Education: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Physical Education to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching Physical Education in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy Physical Education endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) Physical Education endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy Physical Education endorsement.
(b) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(22) Legacy Physics: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Physics to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Physics under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in physics prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for Physics. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(23) Legacy Reading Intervention: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Reading Intervention to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching Reading Intervention in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy Reading Intervention endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) Reading Intervention endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy Reading Intervention endorsement.
(b) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Reading Intervention under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:
(A) HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
(i) Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
(ii) Having three years teaching experience in reading intervention prior to July 1, 2009; and
(iii) Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for reading intervention. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
(i) Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
(ii) Having a major in the subject-matter area;
(iii) Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
(iv) Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.
(c) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(24) Legacy Social Studies: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Social Studies to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in Social Studies under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in social studies prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for Social Studies. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(25) Legacy Special Education for Elementary Multiple-Subjects: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy Special Education for Elementary Multiple-Subjects to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in special education for elementary multiple-subjects under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in Special Education in a self-contained classroom prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for Special Education for Elementary Multiple-Subjects. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(26) Legacy World Language: To be eligible to hold or add a Legacy World Language to a Legacy, Preliminary, Professional or Teacher Leader teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Basic/Standard: Have held an Oregon Basic or Standard Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016 with a Basic Elementary or Standard Elementary endorsement and have had four years of experience teaching World Language in a prekindergarten through grade 8 assignment.
(A) The experience must have been obtained after January 1, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2016.
(B) If the educator does not meet the requirements to hold the Legacy World Language endorsement, the educator may be issued a Licensed for Conditional Assignment for the regular (non-legacy) World Language endorsement.
(C) Teaching assignments in accordance with the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement may continue so long as the educator holds the Basic or Standard Elementary endorsement on their license. However, only experience obtained prior to January 2016 will count toward adding a Legacy World Language endorsement; or
(b) Highly Qualified: Provide acceptable evidence of having met the definition for a highly qualified teacher in World Languages in French, German or Spanish under the federal Elementary-Secondary Education Act (ESEA), formerly known as the No Child Left Behind Act through one of the following methods:


HOUSSE Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of:
Holding a TSPC teaching license prior to July 1, 2007;
Having three years teaching experience in World Languages in French, German or Spanish prior to July 1, 2009; and
Meeting the requirements of the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) for World Languages in French, German or Spanish. The HOUSSE evaluation must have been based on successful completion of coursework, professional development and experience, or a combination of those items, permitted by, and included in, the HOUSSE process in place at the time of the evaluation; or
(B) Highly Qualified Evaluation: The applicant must provide evidence of having received the designation of Highly Qualified from an employing Oregon school district prior to January 1, 2016 and must provide evidence of having met the subject matter competency through one of the following:
Passing the appropriate Commission-adopted subject matter exam;
Having a major in the subject-matter area;
Having coursework equivalent to a major (34 quarter hours or 23 semester hours in core academic subject matter); or
Having a graduate degree in the subject matter area.
(c) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).

Source: Rule 584-220-0120 — Legacy Teaching Endorsements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=584-220-0120.

Endorsement on Teaching Licenses: General Provisions
Evidence of Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Skills
Advanced Mathematics
Agricultural Science
Business: Generalist
Business: Marketing
Career Trades: Generalist
Elementary — Multiple Subjects
English Language Arts
English to Speakers of Other Languages
Family and Consumer Science
Foundational English Language Arts
Foundational Mathematics
Foundational Science
Foundational Social Studies
Integrated Science
Legacy Teaching Endorsements
Legacy Five Year Elementary
Legacy Five Year Secondary
Library Media
Physical Education
Reading Intervention
Social Studies
Speech (Forensics)
Special Education: Generalist
Special Education: Early Intervention and Early Childhood
Special Education: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Special Education: Visually Impaired
World Language: Chinese
World Language: French
World Language: German
World Language: Japanese
World Language: Latin
World Language: Russian
World Language: Spanish
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-220-0120’s source at or​.us