OAR 584-400-0010
State Approval Processes: Purpose and Scope

(1) The Oregon Legislative Assembly has delegated to the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (Commission) the authority to establish standards for approval of education preparation providers and education preparation programs pursuant to ORS 342.147 (Approval of educator preparation providers and educator preparation programs) and 342.165 (Commission rules). The scope of the state approval process includes review and approval of programs leading to licensure, including endorsement and specialization programs. Pursuant to ORS 342.147 (Approval of educator preparation providers and educator preparation programs) (4), the scope of the state approval process does not include establishing degree requirements, review of degree programs that do not lead to licensure, or the authority of the institution to grant degrees.
(2) The Commission has established Oregon standards for Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs or Unit) in Chapter 584, Division 410.
(3) The Commission has established Oregon standards for licensure, endorsement, and specialization programs (Programs) within the Unit in Chapter 584, Division 420.
(4) The Commission has adopted the Program Review and Standards Handbook (Handbook), which governs procedures for program implementation, Program Review, and Unit Review. The Handbook may only be amended upon official action by the Commission.
(5) Applicability: All requirements and procedures set forth in Chapter 584, Division 400 and 410 became effective upon passage unless otherwise noted in the rule. Chapter 584, Division 400 and 410 supersedes any related provisions contained in OAR Chapter 584, Division 10 and 17 and any conflicting rule requirements will be resolved accordingly.

Source: Rule 584-400-0010 — State Approval Processes: Purpose and Scope, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-400-0010’s source at