OAR 584-400-0120
Teacher Candidate Performance Assessments

(1) Oregon Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) must require preservice teacher candidates to successfully complete a teacher candidate performance assessment prior to the EPP recommending candidates for initial licensure, as provided in this rule and the TSPC Program Review and Standards Handbook.
(2) Preservice Candidates: Effective September 1, 2018, all Oregon preservice teacher candidates must complete a Commission-approved teacher performance assessment, as required in the Program Review and Standards Handbook, if the Commission has adopted a performance assessment for the endorsement area.
(3) If the Commission has not adopted a teacher performance assessment for a subject-matter area, EPPs may use one of the following assessments to evaluate the teaching performance of preservice candidates in the endorsement area:
(a) Oregon Work Sample, as provided in subsection (6); or
(b) A teacher performance assessment that is developed, delivered, and evaluated by the EPP.
(4) Two or More Endorsements (Preservice Candidates): If a preservice candidate is completing two or more separate endorsement programs, the preservice candidate is required to complete a teacher performance assessment for only one of the endorsements, as provided:
(a) If one of the endorsements requires a Commission-adopted performance assessment and the other does not, the candidate must complete the Commission-adopted performance assessment.
(b) If both (or all) of the endorsement areas require a Commission-adopted performance assessment, the EPP, in consultation with the candidate, must select which handbook to use from the handbooks listed for the endorsement areas.
(5) Adding Endorsements (Licensed Teachers): Licensed teachers adding endorsements to existing licenses are not required to complete a teacher performance assessment.
(6) Oregon Work Sample: To qualify as an Oregon Work Sample, a teacher performance assessment must include the following:
(a) Context of the school and classroom is explained; learners with special needs, TAG learners, ESOL learners, and learners from diverse cultural, linguistic, and social backgrounds are described; adaptations for their learning needs are discussed; and prerequisite skills required for the Unit are considered;
(b) Goals for the unit of study that vary in kind and complexity but that include concept attainment and application of knowledge and skills;
(c) Instructional plans, to accomplish the learning goals for all groups of students, that include differentiation of instruction for all students listed in subsection (6)(a) of this rule;
(d) Data on learning gains resulting from instruction, analyzed for each student, and summarized in relation to students’ levels of knowledge prior to instruction;
(e) Interpretation and explanation of the learning gains, or lack thereof;
(f) A description of the uses to be made of the data on learning gains in planning subsequent instruction and in reporting student progress to the students and their parents; and
(g) Purposeful attention to literacy instruction based upon content requirements, appropriate authorization levels, and student needs in at least one subject.

Source: Rule 584-400-0120 — Teacher Candidate Performance Assessments, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-400-0120’s source at