OAR 584-400-0070
State Recognition: Continuing Programs (Program Review Process)

(1) An Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) must be granted continuing state recognition of program(s) to:
(a) Apply for continuing state approval of the Unit; and
(b) Recommend program completers for licenses and/or endorsements.
(2) For state recognition of a continuing program, an EPP must complete a program review process. The EPP may select either:
(a) National recognition through the Specialized Professional Association (SPA option); or
(b) State program review.
(3) Regardless of the option(s) selected, programs must meet state standards, as provided in Chapter 584, Division 420.
(4) The Commission shall provide state recognition of a program on the basis of:
(a) SPA program report, including:
(A) Recommendations of the SPA review team; and
(B) Institutional rejoinder, if submitted by the EPP; or
(b) State program review report, including:
(A) Recommendations of the TSPC program review team;
(B) Institutional rejoinder, if submitted by the EPP; and
(c) Executive Director’s Recommendations.
(5) The Commission may accept or reject the recommendations of the SPA, TSPC review teams and/or Executive Director.
(6) By a public vote of its members, the Commission must grant the continuing program:
(a) State recognition;
(b) State recognition with conditions; or
(c) Non-approval.

Source: Rule 584-400-0070 — State Recognition: Continuing Programs (Program Review Process), .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-400-0070’s source at