OAR 584-400-0015
Unit Standards

(1) The Oregon Legislative Assembly has delegated to the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission the authority to establish standards for approval of Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) through Oregon Revised Statutes 342.147 (Approval of educator preparation providers and educator preparation programs) and 342.165 (Commission rules).
(2) The Oregon Legislative Assembly has required all EPP programs to be nationally accredited by July 1, 2025, pursuant to Sections 2 through 6, Chapter 756, Oregon Laws 2015 (Enrolled SB 78) and Chapter 72, Oregon Law 2018 (Enrolled SB 1520).
(3) Purpose of the rule: In order to facilitate the implementation of the national accreditation requirement, the agency establishes the program standards of the state approval process. The purpose of these provisions is to provide guidance and flexibility to EPPs in the state approval process as they pursue new or renewing unit accreditation.
(4) State Approval of Unit: In order to meet the Oregon standards for state approval of units, the Unit must be accredited by a Commission-approved national unit accreditor, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.
(5) State Standards: In addition to the accreditation under subsection (4) of this rule, the Unit must meet the state-specific unit-level standards found in OAR Division 410 that are not satisfied by the national unit accreditation, as determined by the Executive Director.
(6) Single-Subject Endorsements: The Unit may aggregate all single-subject endorsement areas, as defined in 584-400-0020 (Definitions) Definitions, into one program report. The Commission will provide state recognition of the aggregated single-subject programs in 584-420-0020 (Preliminary Teaching License: Program Standards) Preliminary Teaching License.
(7) State-Specific Standards (State Addendum Report): If the Unit must meet subsection (5) of this rule, it must submit a state addendum report that includes evidence of meeting state-specific standards, in conjunction with the unit approval process.
(8) Applicability: All requirements and procedures set forth in Chapter 584, Division 400 and 410 became effective upon passage unless otherwise noted in the rule. Chapter 584, Division 400 and 410 supersedes any provisions contained in OAR Chapter 584, Division 10 and 17 relating to the continuing state approval of unit and state recognition of programs process and any conflicting rule requirements will be resolved accordingly.

Source: Rule 584-400-0015 — Unit Standards, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-400-0015’s source at