OAR 584-400-0090
Elimination of Programs

(1) The Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) must notify the Commission of the elimination of a state recognized licensure, endorsement, or specialization program. The notification must include:


The date the licensure, endorsement, or specialization program will be eliminated (for active programs), or was eliminated (for inactive programs);


The reason(s) for the elimination of the program; and


Teach-out plans, to assure enrolled candidates are able to complete the program.
(a) The Commission must notify the EPP if a program will be reviewed due to inactivity.
(b) If the EPP would like to continue to offer the inactive program, the EPP must submit documentation on the inactive program to the Commission, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.

Source: Rule 584-400-0090 — Elimination of Programs, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-400-0090’s source at