OAR 584-400-0180
Waiver of Program Requirements

(1) An Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) may waive licensure, endorsement, or specialization program requirements for individual candidates when competency is otherwise demonstrated, as provided in this rule and the Program Review and Standards Handbook. To be granted a waiver, the candidate must be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, competencies, and dispositions required by state and institutional standards.
(2) Coursework Waivers: To waive coursework requirements, the EPP must document that the candidate demonstrates the competencies and knowledge that the coursework is intended to develop. The written documentation may include, but is not limited to:
(a) Letters from teachers or supervisors;
(b) Test data;
(c) Personal statements; and
(d) Observation reports.
(3) Clinical Practices Waivers: Pre-service candidates: EPPs may not waive clinical practices for pre-service candidates in the endorsement area in which they are completing the required teacher performance assessment.
(4) In-service candidates: To waive clinical practice requirements for in-service candidates, the EPP must document that the candidate demonstrates the ability to meet the clinical practice standards in the program area.
(5) Waiver Prohibitions: The EPP may not waive the following program requirements:
(a) A teacher performance assessment for candidates in a Preliminary Teaching License program;
(b) Completion of the Commission-adopted requirements for Civil Rights and Ethics; and
(c) Completion of the Commission-adopted subject-matter exam or other Commission-adopted subject matter assessment related to the endorsement area as required in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.
(6) EPP Waiver Policy: EPPs must have an official policy for waivers of program requirements. The waiver policy must include:
(a) Written policies and guidelines;
(b) A process for evaluating and granting requests;
(c) A process for including appropriate faculty and departmental staff in the evaluation of the waiver request; and
(d) An appeals procedure within the EPP for candidates who are denied waiver requests.
(7) EPPs must maintain records of all documentation relied upon for waivers granted.
(8) Annual Reports: EPPs must report waivers of program requirements in the Oregon EPP annual reports, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.
(9) Applicant Appeals of EPP Denial of Waiver Decisions: The applicant may appeal a denial of a waiver decision of a Commission-approved EPP. The Commission will only consider appeals from applicants who have attempted to resolve the waiver issue through completing the EPP’s waiver appeals process.
(10) To request an appeal of an EPP’s waiver decision, an applicant must submit:
(a) Official transcripts of any preparation completed relevant to the waiver;
(b) A copy of the applicant’s planned program leading to the license, endorsement, or specialization at the institution;
(c) The applicant’s resume of work experience applicable to the license, endorsement, or specialization;
(d) Evidence that the applicant has exhausted the appeals process within the EPP; and
(e) If applicable, a written statement from a school district that indicates support for the application and the particular competency on which the applicant is seeking waiver of course requirements;
(f) A statement from the applicant that indicates:
(A) The reason(s) for appealing the matter to the Commission;
(B) The program requirement for which a waiver is requested;
(C) The applicant’s qualifications to be considered by the Commission; and
(D) The effect that granting the appeal would have on the applicant’s preparation program;
(g) A complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees, as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).

Source: Rule 584-400-0180 — Waiver of Program Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-400-0180’s source at