OAR 584-400-0140
Clinical Practices

(1) The Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) must provide clinical practices for the purposes of instruction, assessment of competency, and integration of field work with academic study, as well as to ensure candidates are able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be successful candidates for educator licensure, endorsement, or specialization.
(2) Education Setting: Clinical practices may occur in the following education settings:
(a) Public PreK-12 classrooms, including charter school classrooms;
(b) Private, regionally-accredited PreK-12 classrooms; or
(c) Alternative education, post-secondary, or other similar teaching settings closely-related to PreK-12 classroom instruction.
(3) Clinical Practice Area: EPPs must assure that candidates complete a clinical placement in the appropriate licensure and/or endorsement area.
(4) Faculty Supervisor: Clinical practices must be supervised by a faculty member. The faculty supervisor must:
(a) Hold a license and endorsement in the candidate’s license and endorsement areas;
(b) Demonstrate exceptional expertise in the candidate’s license and endorsement areas; or
(c) Demonstrate exceptional expertise in supervising licensed educators in the candidate’s license area.
(5) International/Out-of-State Field Placements: EPPs may place a candidate in an international or out-of-state field placement, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.
(6) Preservice Candidates: Preservice candidates must complete at least 15 weeks of student teaching.
(a) The student teaching must be at least nine consecutive full-time weeks in a school setting, during which the candidate assumes the full range of responsibilities of a classroom teacher for the purpose of developing and demonstrating the competencies required for initial licensure.
(b) During the remaining six weeks, the student teaching may be full-time or the equivalent part-time experience.
(c) The assignment of responsibilities may be incremental in keeping with the objectives of the experience.
(d) The student teaching must be supervised by a cooperating teacher, as provided in (3)(a) and 584-400-0145 (Cooperating Teachers), Cooperating Teachers.
(e) Evaluations and Observations: The EPP must require evaluations and observations of preservice candidates as provided:
(A) Faculty Supervisor: The faculty supervisor must conduct at least six evaluations and/or observations of the preservice candidate during their 15-week student teaching. The six meetings must include:
(i) At least four formal observations of the candidate; and
(ii) At least two formal evaluations of the candidate.
(B) Cooperating Teacher: The cooperating teacher must conduct at least six evaluations and/or observations of the preservice candidate during their 15-week student teaching. The six meetings must include:
(i) At least four formal observations of the candidate; and
(ii) At least two formal evaluations of the candidate. One of the formal evaluations may be completed as a joint evaluation with the faculty supervisor.
(f) Virtual Evaluations and Observations: Except as provided in subsection (5), the faculty supervisor:
(A) Must conduct at least two of the required four observations in person with the candidate in the candidate’s classroom setting; and
(B) May conduct the remaining observations and evaluations virtually.
(C) The use of virtual supervision and evaluations must be reported to the Commission, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.
(g) Substitute Teaching in Student Teaching Placements: Candidates may substitute teach during their 15-week student teaching if they:
(A) Hold a Restricted Teaching License;
(B) Are granted permission to substitute teach by a state-recognized licensure or endorsement program; and
(C) Have one of the following:
(ii) An internship agreement with the EPP and the employing school district; or
(iii) A Restricted Teaching License plan with the EPP and the employing school district.
(h) The school district must notify the EPP if the school district assigns a candidate as a substitute teacher during the 15-week student teaching placement.
(7) Dual-Enrolled Preservice Candidates: Preservice candidates enrolled in two endorsement areas must complete student teaching as provided:
(a) The candidate must complete the 15-week student teaching, as provided in subsection (6), in the endorsement area that is the candidate’s main Teacher Candidate Performance Assessment area, and at least 60 hours of student teaching in the additional endorsement area.
(b) The student teaching requirement of subsection (a) shall be met by nine consecutive full-time weeks dedicated to the candidate’s main endorsement area; and
(A) 60 hours of supervised student teaching in the additional endorsement area that is completed within the remaining 6 weeks of the required student teaching; or
(B) 60 hours of supervised student teaching in the additional endorsement area that is completed in addition to the 15 weeks of required student teaching.
(c) Elementary – Multiple Subjects Endorsements: Program candidates must complete the 15-week student teaching, as provided in subsection (6).
(d) Integrated programs: If Program candidates complete clinical practice where their main and additional endorsement areas are combined, such as an ESOL and math placement, they must complete the 15-week student teaching, of which at least 60 hours must be in the additional endorsement area. At least three of the required observations and evaluations in the additional endorsement area must be reviewed by an appropriately licensed cooperating teacher or supervisor in that area.
(e) Observation and evaluation requirements for the additional endorsement area: The EPP must require evaluation and supervision of pre-service candidates in the additional endorsement area as provided:
(A) Faculty supervisor: the faculty supervisor must conduct at least three meetings to evaluate or observe the pre-service candidate during their clinical practice. The three meetings must include at least two formal observations of the candidate and at least one formal evaluation of the candidate.
(B) Cooperating Teacher: the cooperating teacher must conduct at least three meetings to evaluate or observe the pre-service candidate during their clinical practice. The three meetings must include at least two formal observations of the candidate and at least one formal evaluation of the candidate.
(f) Dual-endorsement programs: If the Commission has recognized a program as a combined program of two endorsement areas, the EPP must require the candidate to complete the student teaching requirements as approved by the Commission during the most recent state recognition process.
(g) If a candidate is enrolled in more than two endorsement areas, or is enrolled in an Integrated Program for multiple endorsement areas, the EPP must consult the agency for guidance on the clinical practice requirements.
(8) In-service Candidates Observations and Evaluations: In-service candidates adding endorsements in program-required endorsement areas must complete at least two semester or three quarter hours of clinical practice. The EPP must require evaluation and observation of in-service candidates for program-required endorsements, as provided:
(a) Faculty Supervisor: The faculty supervisor must conduct at least three evaluations and/or observations of the in-service candidate during their clinical practice. The three meetings must include:
(A) At least two formal observations of the candidate; and
(B) At least one formal evaluation of the candidate.
(b) Cooperating Teacher: The cooperating teacher must conduct at least three evaluations and/or observations of the in-service candidate during the clinical practice. The three meetings must include:
(A) At least two formal observations of the candidate; and
(B) At least one formal evaluation of the candidate.
(9) Administrator Candidates Observations and Evaluations: The EPP must require completion of clinical practices as provided in Division 420, Preliminary Administrator License: Program Standards and the EPP must require evaluation and observation of administrator candidates for program-required endorsements. as provided:
(a) Faculty Supervisor: The faculty supervisor must conduct at least three evaluations and/or observations of the administrator candidate during their clinical practice. The three meetings must include:
(A) At least two formal observations of the candidate; and
(B) At least one formal evaluation of the candidate.
(b) Cooperating Teacher: The cooperating teacher must conduct at least three evaluations and/or observations of the administrator candidate during the clinical practice. The three meetings must include:
(A) At least two formal observations of the candidate; and
(B) At least one formal evaluation of the candidate.
(10) Personnel Service Candidates Observations and Evaluations: The EPP must require completion of clinical practices as provided in Division 420, Preliminary School Social Worker, School Counselor or School Psychologist licenses program standards and the EPP must require evaluation and observation of personnel service candidates, as provided:
(a) Faculty Supervisor: The faculty supervisor must conduct at least three evaluations and/or observations of the personnel service candidate during their clinical practice. The three meetings must include:
(A) At least two formal observations of the candidate; and
(B) At least one formal evaluation of the candidate.
(b) Cooperating Teacher: The cooperating teacher must conduct at least three evaluations and/or observations of the personnel service candidate during the clinical practice. The three meetings must include:
(A) At least two formal observations of the candidate; and
(B) At least one formal evaluation of the candidate.
(11) Background clearance prior to student contact: Prior to candidate contact with PreK-12 students, as part of their Commission-recognized preparation program, an EPP must verify the candidate has completed a background clearance through the Commission.
(a) The background clearance requirement applies to field placements in Oregon, other U.S. jurisdictions and foreign countries.
(b) EPPs may require candidates to obtain background clearance through the Commission any time after their admission into the program.
(12) Knowledge of Civil Rights Prior to Formal Clinical Practice: Prior to placing a candidate in student teaching, final internship or practicum experience, an EPP must verify the candidate has demonstrated knowledge of civil rights and ethics, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.
(13) School or district closures: An EPP may grant a partial waiver of the clinical practice requirement(s) if a candidate is unable to complete the clinical practice due to an unforeseen school or district closure. In order to grant a partial waiver, the EPP must submit information in the next annual report to the Commission, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.
(14) EPPs that grant a waiver(s) pursuant to this rule shall not be considered to have made a minor or major modification to their state-recognized program.
(15) Reporting on Clinical Practices: EPPs must document in the candidate’s record that candidates have completed clinical practices, as provided in 584-410-0100 (Verification of Candidate Recommendations (Field Audit)) Verification of Candidate Recommendations (Field Audit).

Source: Rule 584-400-0140 — Clinical Practices, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-400-0140’s source at