OAR 847-050-0046
Active Status for Temporary, Rotating Assignments


A physician assistant, upon notification to the Board, may retire from active, permanent practice and change to Emeritus status which allows the physician assistant to practice temporary, volunteer assignments. A physician assistant with Emeritus status who wishes to volunteer at a medical facility must have a practice agreement or Board-approved practice description prior to starting practice at each assignment.


A physician assistant, upon notification to the Board, may retire from active, permanent practice and maintain Active status by practicing at medical facilities for assignments on a rotating basis. A physician assistant who wishes to maintain active status and practice in rotating assignments at permanent locations must have a practice agreement or Board-approved practice description and must provide the Board with timely notification of the dates of each assignment prior to beginning each rotating assignment.

Source: Rule 847-050-0046 — Active Status for Temporary, Rotating Assignments, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-050-0046’s source at