OAR 847-050-0043
Inactive Registration and Re-Entry to Practice


Any physician assistant licensed in this state who changes location to some other state or country, or who is not in a current supervisory relationship with a licensed physician for six months or more, will be listed by the Board as inactive.


If the physician assistant wishes to resume active status to practice in Oregon, the physician assistant must submit the reactivation application and fee, satisfactorily complete the reactivation process and be approved by the Board before beginning active practice in Oregon.


The Board may deny active registration if it judges the conduct of the physician assistant during the period of inactive registration to be such that the physician assistant would have been denied a license if applying for an initial license.


If a physician assistant applicant has ceased practice for a period of 12 or more consecutive months immediately preceding the application for licensure or reactivation, the applicant may be required to do one or more of the following:


Obtain certification or re-certification by the National Commission on the Certification of Physician Assistants (N.C.C.P.A.);


Provide documentation of current N.C.C.P.A. certification;


Complete 30 hours of Category I continuing medical education acceptable to the Board for every year the applicant has ceased practice;


Agree to increased chart reviews upon re-entry to practice.


The physician assistant applicant who has ceased practice for a period of 24 or more consecutive months may be required to complete a re-entry plan to the satisfaction of the Board. The re-entry plan must be reviewed and approved through a Consent Agreement for Re-entry to Practice prior to the applicant beginning the re-entry plan. Depending on the amount of time out of practice, the re-entry plan may contain one or more of the requirements listed in section (4) of this rule and such additional requirements as determined appropriate by the Board.

Source: Rule 847-050-0043 — Inactive Registration and Re-Entry to Practice, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-050-0043.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-050-0043’s source at