OAR 847-050-0022
Application for Licensure by Military Spouse or Domestic Partner


“Military spouse or domestic partner” means a spouse or domestic partner of an active member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is the subject of a military transfer to Oregon.


To qualify for licensure under this rule, the military spouse or domestic partner must:


Meet the qualifications for licensure as stated in OAR 847-050-0020 (Qualifications);


Be married to, or in a domestic partnership with, a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is assigned to a duty station located in Oregon by official active duty military order;


Be licensed to practice as a physician assistant in another state or territory of the United States;


Be in good standing, with no restrictions or limitations upon, actions taken against, or investigation or disciplinary action pending against his or her license in any jurisdiction where the applicant is or has been licensed; and


Demonstrate competency by having at least one year of active practice as a physician assistant or teaching at a physician assistant education program during the three years immediately preceding the application.


If a military spouse or domestic partner applies for a license to practice as a physician assistant, the Board may accept:


A copy of the physician assistant education program diploma to fulfill the requirement for the Verification of Medical Education form; and


Verification of licensure in good standing from the jurisdiction of current or most recent practice as a physician assistant to fulfill the requirement of verifications of licensure from all jurisdictions of prior and current health related licensure.


If a military spouse or domestic partner applies for a license to practice as a physician assistant, the Board will obtain the following on behalf of the applicant:


The results of a query of the National Practitioner Data Bank; and


The results of a query of the Federation of State Medical Boards’ Board Action Data Bank.


In addition to the documents required in section (3) of this rule and by OAR 847-050-0015 (Application) and 847-050-0020 (Qualifications), the military spouse or domestic partner must submit a copy of the:


Marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration with the name of the applicant and the name of the active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and


Assignment to a duty station located in Oregon by official active duty military order for the spouse or domestic partner named in the marriage certificate or domestic partnership registration.


A military spouse or domestic partner may obtain a temporary authorization for a license to practice medicine after satisfying sections (2) through (5) of this rule.

Source: Rule 847-050-0022 — Application for Licensure by Military Spouse or Domestic Partner, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-050-0022’s source at