OAR 847-050-0036
Supervising Physician Organization


A supervising physician organization must designate one physician within the supervising physician organization to also serve as the primary supervising physician of the supervising physician organization.


Each supervising physician in a supervising physician organization, including the primary supervising physician, must be approved by the Board as a supervising physician.


The supervising physician organization must provide the Board with a letter containing:


The name of the supervising physician organization;


The address and phone number for the supervising physician organization;


The name of the primary supervising physician; and


The names of the supervising physicians in the supervising physician organization.


The supervising physician organization must notify the Board in writing within 10 days of any change in the name, address, phone number, or supervising physicians in the supervising physician organization.


A supervising physician organization may include any number of supervising physicians.


A supervising physician organization may supervise any number of physician assistants.


A physician assistant who is supervised by a supervising physician organization may be supervised by any of the supervising physicians in the supervising physician organization.


The Board may request a meeting with a supervising physician organization and a physician assistant to discuss a practice agreement.

Source: Rule 847-050-0036 — Supervising Physician Organization, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-050-0036.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-050-0036’s source at