OAR 847-050-0015


Each application for the licensure of a physician assistant must meet the licensing requirements as set forth in ORS 677.512 (Licensure).


No applicant is entitled to licensure who:


Has failed an examination for licensure in the State of Oregon;


Has had a license or certificate revoked or suspended in this or any other state unless the said license or certificate has been restored or reinstated and the applicant’s license or certificate is in good standing in the state which had revoked the same;


Has been refused a license or certificate in any other state on any grounds other than failure in a medical licensure examination; or


Has been guilty of conduct similar to that which would be prohibited by or to which ORS 677.190 (Grounds for suspending, revoking or refusing to grant license, registration or certification) would apply.


A person applying for licensure under these rules who has not completed the licensure process within a 12 month consecutive period from date of receipt of the application must file a new application, documents, letters and pay a full filing fee as if filing for the first time.

Source: Rule 847-050-0015 — Application, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-050-0015’s source at