OAR 847-050-0042


The registration renewal form and fee must be received in the Board office during regular business hours and must be satisfactorily complete on or before December 31 of each odd-numbered year in order for the physician assistant’s registration to be renewed for the next 24 months. This application must also include submission of an updated practice agreement or validation of an existing practice agreement or Board-approved practice description.


Upon failure to comply with section (1) of this rule, the license will automatically lapse as per ORS 677.228 (Automatic lapse of license for failure to pay registration fee or report change of location).


A one-time surcharge is required for each physician assistant renewing his or her license for the 2014-2015 biennial registration period or applying for an initial license during calendar years 2014 and 2015.

Source: Rule 847-050-0042 — Registration, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-050-0042’s source at