OAR 333-265-0023
EMS Provider Examinations

(1) EMR Exam:
(a) In order to be licensed as an EMR, a candidate shall complete and pass both a cognitive and psychomotor examination within 12 months of completing the required course.
(b) The EMR cognitive and psychomotor examination must be administered by an entity approved by the Authority to conduct EMR courses and shall use a cognitive and psychomotor exam approved by the Authority.
(2) EMT Exam:
(a) In order to be licensed as an EMT, a candidate shall complete and pass both the cognitive and psychomotor examination designated by the National Registry.
(b) The Authority has adopted the National Registry exam standard: Emergency Medical Technician, Psychomotor Examination User Guide; September 1, 2016, incorporated by reference.
(c) An EMT examination for licensure will be administered by an EMS licensing officer and hosted by an educational institution or Authority approved non-educational institution that offers EMT courses.
(3) AEMT Exam:
(a) In order to be licensed as an AEMT, a candidate shall complete and pass both the cognitive and psychomotor examination designated by the National Registry.
(b) The Authority has adopted the National Registry exam standard: Advanced Level Examination Coordinator Manual; January 1, 2017, incorporated by reference.
(c) An AEMT psychomotor examination is a National Registry examination offered at various times during the year by the Authority. An AEMT candidate may also take the appropriate psychomotor examination in any state.
(4) EMT-Intermediate Exam: In order to be licensed as an EMT-Intermediate, a candidate shall complete and pass a psychomotor examination in accordance with OAR 333-265-0024 (EMT-Intermediate Provider Examination).
(5) Paramedic Exam:
(a) In order to be licensed as a Paramedic, a candidate shall complete and pass both the cognitive and psychomotor examination designated by the National Registry.
(b) The Authority has adopted the National Registry exam standard: Advanced Level Examination Coordinator Manual; January 1, 2017, incorporated by reference.
(c) A Paramedic psychomotor examination is a National Registry examination offered at various times during the year by the Authority. A Paramedic candidate may also take the appropriate psychomotor examination in any state.
(6) The Authority shall establish the passing scores for EMR and EMT-Intermediate exams. The National Registry shall establish the passing scores for EMT, AEMT and Paramedic exams.
(7) In order to take the cognitive or psychomotor exam for an AEMT, EMT-Intermediate or Paramedic, the EMS provider must be currently licensed at the level immediately below the level they are wishing to attain, except as provided in section (8) of this rule.
(8) Notwithstanding section (7), a currently licensed EMT or AEMT may take the Paramedic cognitive or psychomotor exam if the EMT or AEMT is enrolled in a two year degree program at an educational institution.
(9) A candidate seeking accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act shall notify:
(a) The National Registry for the EMT, AEMT or Paramedic exam; or
(b) The Authority for the EMR or EMT-Intermediate exam.
(c) The Authority shall consider and act on the request in accordance with its policies and relevant laws.
[Publications: The publication(s) referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the National Registry of EMT’s website: www.nremt.org.]

Source: Rule 333-265-0023 — EMS Provider Examinations, .

Application for Approval of EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Courses
Requirements for Conducting Emergency Medical Responder Courses
EMS Provider Course Requirements
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Field Internships
Paramedic Field Internships
Course Director Qualifications for EMR Courses
Approved EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Course Director
Program Administrator and Faculty Responsibilities
EMS Provider Examinations
EMT-Intermediate Provider Examination
Application Process to Obtain an EMS Provider License
EMS Licensing Officer Application and Approval
Fees for Licensure and License Renewal of an EMS Provider
Application Review and Approval
Renewal of License
Licensure by Reciprocity
Emergency Initial Provisional License
Paramedic Provisional Licensure
Out-of-State EMS Provider Rendering Patient Care in Oregon
Reporting Obligations
Conduct or Practice Contrary to Recognized Standards of Ethics
Reverting to a Lower Level of EMT Licensure
Reinstatement of an EMS Provider License
Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal
Maintaining Continuing Education Records
Continuing Education Records Audit
Responsibility to Notify the Authority of Changes
Displaying EMS Provider Licensure Level
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-265-0023’s source at