OAR 333-265-0025
Application Process to Obtain an EMS Provider License

(1) For any person to act as an EMS provider, a license must be obtained from the Authority.
(2) All applicants for initial licensure:
(a) Must submit a completed electronic application in a manner prescribed by the Authority along with the applicable fees;
(b) Hold a current American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider or equivalent CPR course completion document (this course must include a practical skills evaluation); and
(3) All applicants for license renewal shall comply with subsections (2)(a) and (b) of this rule and consent to a criminal records check in accordance with ORS 181A.195 (Criminal records check), ORS 181A.200 (Authority of Department of Human Services, Oregon Health Authority and Employment Department to require fingerprints) and OAR chapter 125, division 7 if required by the Authority.
(4) The Authority may use information obtained through criminal history records to determine suitability for licensure in accordance with OAR 125-007-0200 (Statement of Purpose) through 125-007-0330 (Fees).
(a) If the Authority determines the information contained in the criminal history record may result in denial of the application or impose sanctions on the licensee, the applicant will be afforded reasonable time to complete, challenge, or correct the accuracy of the record before a final disposition or sanction is imposed.
(b) Procedures for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of an FBI identification record are set forth in Title 28, C.F.R., 16.34. Procedures for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of an Oregon criminal history record are set forth in OAR 257-010-0035 (Access by Individuals for Purpose of Review and/or Challenge).
(5) An applicant for EMR must:
(a) Be at least 16 years of age;
(b) Submit proof of successfully completing an approved course, including completion of all clinical and internship requirements, if applicable;
(c) Submit proof of passing the required cognitive and psychomotor examinations;
(d) Submit the electronic application for licensure within 12 months from the date that the applicant successfully passed the examinations described in subsection (5)(c) of this rule; and
(e) Provide authorization for the release of information, as necessary, from any persons or entities, including but not limited to educational institutions, employers, hospitals, treatment facilities, institutions, organization, governmental or law enforcement agencies.
(6) An individual who wishes to become licensed as an EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, or Paramedic shall:
(a) Be at least 18 years of age;
(b) Submit proof of passing the required cognitive and psychomotor examinations;
(c) For an EMT, AEMT or EMT-Intermediate applicant, submit proof that the applicant:
(A) Received a high school diploma;
(B) Passed a general education development test (GED); or
(C) Has a degree from an accredited institution of higher learning;
(d) For a Paramedic applicant, submit proof that the applicant has received an associate’s degree or higher from an accredited institution of higher learning; and
(e) Provide an authorization for the release of information, as necessary, from any persons or entities, including but not limited to educational institutions, employers, hospitals, treatment facilities, institutions, organizations, governmental or law enforcement agencies in order for the Authority to complete the review of the application.
(7) Any fee for a criminal records check shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
(8) An applicant for an initial license as an EMS provider, who completed training in a program outside Oregon and has never been licensed in another state, must:
(a) Meet all requirements for that level as established in these rules;
(b) Demonstrate proof of current National Registry certification; and
(c) Make application within 24 months from the date that their training course was completed.
(9) Notwithstanding subsection (8)(c) of this rule, an applicant that has been on active duty in the military within the last four years may submit the application within 48 months from the date the training course was completed.
(10) An initial license must not exceed 30 months.
(11) If an applicant has been on active duty in the military within the past four years and the applicant can demonstrate proof of current National Registry certification for the level of license desired, current licensure in another state is not mandatory.
(12) The Authority may reject any application that is incomplete or is not accompanied by the appropriate fees.

Source: Rule 333-265-0025 — Application Process to Obtain an EMS Provider License, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-265-0025.

Application for Approval of EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Courses
Requirements for Conducting Emergency Medical Responder Courses
EMS Provider Course Requirements
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Field Internships
Paramedic Field Internships
Course Director Qualifications for EMR Courses
Approved EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Course Director
Program Administrator and Faculty Responsibilities
EMS Provider Examinations
EMT-Intermediate Provider Examination
Application Process to Obtain an EMS Provider License
EMS Licensing Officer Application and Approval
Fees for Licensure and License Renewal of an EMS Provider
Application Review and Approval
Renewal of License
Licensure by Reciprocity
Emergency Initial Provisional License
Paramedic Provisional Licensure
Out-of-State EMS Provider Rendering Patient Care in Oregon
Reporting Obligations
Conduct or Practice Contrary to Recognized Standards of Ethics
Reverting to a Lower Level of EMT Licensure
Reinstatement of an EMS Provider License
Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal
Maintaining Continuing Education Records
Continuing Education Records Audit
Responsibility to Notify the Authority of Changes
Displaying EMS Provider Licensure Level
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-265-0025’s source at