OAR 333-265-0105
Reinstatement of an EMS Provider License

(1)(a) To reinstate an expired Oregon EMR license that has been expired for less than one year, an applicant must:
(A) Submit a completed reinstatement application;
(B) Submit the appropriate license reinstatement fee;
(C) Provide proof of National Registry certification or provide evidence of completion of continuing education requirements as specified in Appendix 1: Oregon Licensed EMS Providers Minimum Continuing Education Requirements; and
(D) Provide proof of a current American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider or equivalent CPR course completion document (this course must include a practical skills evaluation).
(b) All continuing education hours required for reinstatement must be completed between the last successful application date through the date of present reinstatement application submission.
(c) An applicant whose expired licensed is reinstated must complete all continuing education requirements as specified in OAR 333-265-0110 (Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal) before the next date of license expiration.
(2)(a) To reinstate an expired Oregon EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, or Paramedic license that has been expired for less than three months, an applicant must:
(A) Submit a completed reinstatement application;
(B) Submit the appropriate license reinstatement fee;
(C) Provide proof of National Registry certification or provide evidence of completion of continuing education requirements as specified in Appendix 1: Oregon Licensed EMS Providers Minimum Continuing Education Requirements; and
(D) Provide proof of a current American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider or equivalent CPR course completion document (this course must include a practical skills evaluation).
(b) All continuing education hours required for reinstatement must be completed between the last successful application date through the date of present reinstatement application submission.
(c) An applicant whose expired licensed is reinstated must complete all continuing education requirements as specified in OAR 333-265-0110 (Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal) before the next date of license expiration.
(3) Reinstatement of an EMR license that has been expired for more than one year will require retaking and passing the course and examinations. Evidence of course completion and passage of exam must be submitted with an initial application and the appropriate license application fee.
(4) To reinstate an EMT-Intermediate license that has been expired for more than three months, but less than 24 months, a license holder must:
(a) Submit a completed reinstatement application;
(b) Submit the appropriate license reinstatement fee;
(c) Successfully complete the reinstatement program described in section (7) of this rule; and
(d) Successfully complete a simulated cardiac arrest management skill evaluated by the EMS medical director or his or her designee, or a person approved by the Authority.
(5) To reinstate an EMT, AEMT or Paramedic license that has been expired for more than three months, but less than 24 months, a license holder must:
(a) Submit a completed reinstatement application;
(b) Submit the appropriate license reinstatement fee; and
(c) Successfully complete an Authority-approved reinstatement program as described in sections (6) through (8) of this rule; or
(d) Provide proof of National Registry certification at the level for which the license holder is applying.
(6) Reinstatement program for an EMT:
(a) Obtain an American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider or equivalent CPR course completion document (this course must include a practical skills evaluation);
(b) Complete an EMT Refresher Training Program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) or show evidence of completing the continuing education requirements specified in Appendix 1: Oregon Licensed EMS Providers Minimum Continuing Education Requirements; and
(c) Pass the EMT cognitive examination designated by the National Registry.
(7) Reinstatement program for an AEMT:
(a) Obtain an American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider, or equivalent CPR course completion document (this course must include a practical skills evaluation);
(b) Complete a Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS) course, or Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) course;
(c) Complete an AEMT refresher training program accredited by the CAPCE or show evidence of completing the continuing education requirements specified in Appendix 1: Oregon Licensed EMS Providers Minimum Continuing Education Requirements; and
(d) Pass the AEMT cognitive examination designated by the National Registry.
(8) Reinstatement program for a Paramedic:
(a) Complete an Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course;
(b) Complete a Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS) course, or Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) course;
(c) Complete an Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP), or Neonatal Advanced Life Support (NALS) course;
(d) Complete a Paramedic refresher training program accredited by the CAPCE or show evidence of completing the continuing education requirements specified in Appendix 1: Oregon Licensed EMS Providers Minimum Continuing Education Requirements; and
(e) Pass the Paramedic cognitive examination designated by the National Registry.
(9)(a) The reinstatement programs described in sections (6) through (8) of this rule must be:
(A) Completed between the last successful application date through the date of present reinstatement application submission;
(B) Completed within two years from the license expiration date.
(b) If the reinstatement requirements cannot be met prior to two years from the last EMS provider license expiration date, an applicant must follow the National Registry’s re-entry requirements to obtain a new National Registry certification before applying for a new license as outlined in OAR 333-265-0025 (Application Process to Obtain an EMS Provider License).
[ED. NOTE: To view attachments referenced in rule text, click here to view rule.]

Source: Rule 333-265-0105 — Reinstatement of an EMS Provider License, .

Application for Approval of EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Courses
Requirements for Conducting Emergency Medical Responder Courses
EMS Provider Course Requirements
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Field Internships
Paramedic Field Internships
Course Director Qualifications for EMR Courses
Approved EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Course Director
Program Administrator and Faculty Responsibilities
EMS Provider Examinations
EMT-Intermediate Provider Examination
Application Process to Obtain an EMS Provider License
EMS Licensing Officer Application and Approval
Fees for Licensure and License Renewal of an EMS Provider
Application Review and Approval
Renewal of License
Licensure by Reciprocity
Emergency Initial Provisional License
Paramedic Provisional Licensure
Out-of-State EMS Provider Rendering Patient Care in Oregon
Reporting Obligations
Conduct or Practice Contrary to Recognized Standards of Ethics
Reverting to a Lower Level of EMT Licensure
Reinstatement of an EMS Provider License
Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal
Maintaining Continuing Education Records
Continuing Education Records Audit
Responsibility to Notify the Authority of Changes
Displaying EMS Provider Licensure Level
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

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