OAR 333-265-0030
Fees for Licensure and License Renewal of an EMS Provider

(1) The following fees apply:
(a) The initial application fee for EMS providers:
(A) EMR - $45
(B) EMT — $110;
(C) AEMT — $125;
(D) EMT-Intermediate — $125; and
(E) Paramedic — $290.
(b) Psychomotor re-examination fees:
(A) AEMT — $85; and
(B) Paramedic — $100.
(c) Reciprocity licensure fees:
(A) EMR — $50;
(B) EMT — $140;
(C) AEMT — $165
(D) EMT-Intermediate — $165; and
(E) Paramedic — $300.
(d) Provisional licensure fee is an additional $50.
(e) License renewal fees:
(A) EMR — $23;
(B) EMT — $55;
(C) AEMT — $85
(D) EMT-Intermediate — $85; and
(E) Paramedic — $150.
(f) Reinstatement fees, effective July 1, 2020:
(A) An EMS provider whose license has been expired for 12 months or less shall pay 100 percent of the renewal fee based on the provider’s license level specified in subsection (1)(e) plus the late fee specified in section (3).
(B) An EMS provider whose license has been expired greater than 12 months to 15 months shall pay 50 percent of the initial fee based on the provider’s license level specified in subsection (1)(a).
(C) An EMS provider whose license has been expired greater than 15 months to 18 months shall pay 25 percent of the initial fee based on the provider’s license level specified in subsection (1)(a).
(D) An EMS provider whose license has been expired greater than 18 months to 24 months shall pay 100 percent of the initial fee based on the provider’s license level specified in subsection (1)(a).
(2) Effective July 1, 2020, an applicant for initial licensure or licensure by reciprocity shall pay the following prorated fee based on the license level and fee specified in subsection (1)(a) or (1)(c) of this rule and the time the application is submitted:
(a) Greater than 12 months to 24 months until the date of scheduled expiration: 100 percent of the initial or reciprocity fee.
(b) Greater than 9 months to 12 months until the date of scheduled expiration: 50 percent of the initial or reciprocity fee.
(c) Greater than 6 months to 9 months until the date of scheduled expiration: 25 percent of the initial or reciprocity fee.
(3) As authorized by ORS 682.216 (Issuance of licenses), a license renewal application submitted after June 1 of the license renewal year must include a $40 late fee in addition to the license renewal fee.
(4) If an EMS provider has been on active military duty for more than six months of a license renewal period which prevented the EMS provider from accessing continuing education, the Authority may approve an extension of the current license to permit obtaining the required educational hours.
(5) The Authority may waive the EMS provider license renewal fee for an ambulance service or non-transport EMS agency which utilizes volunteers to provide a majority of its services. The ambulance service or non-transport EMS agency may only request one waiver per renewal period on a form prescribed by the Authority.
(6) All fees established in this rule are nonrefundable. The Authority may waive a subsequent examination fee for a person who fails to appear for an examination due to circumstances that are beyond the control of the candidate.
(7) The fees established in section (1) of this rule apply to any application submitted on or after the effective date of these rules.

Source: Rule 333-265-0030 — Fees for Licensure and License Renewal of an EMS Provider, .

Application for Approval of EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Courses
Requirements for Conducting Emergency Medical Responder Courses
EMS Provider Course Requirements
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Field Internships
Paramedic Field Internships
Course Director Qualifications for EMR Courses
Approved EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Course Director
Program Administrator and Faculty Responsibilities
EMS Provider Examinations
EMT-Intermediate Provider Examination
Application Process to Obtain an EMS Provider License
EMS Licensing Officer Application and Approval
Fees for Licensure and License Renewal of an EMS Provider
Application Review and Approval
Renewal of License
Licensure by Reciprocity
Emergency Initial Provisional License
Paramedic Provisional Licensure
Out-of-State EMS Provider Rendering Patient Care in Oregon
Reporting Obligations
Conduct or Practice Contrary to Recognized Standards of Ethics
Reverting to a Lower Level of EMT Licensure
Reinstatement of an EMS Provider License
Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal
Maintaining Continuing Education Records
Continuing Education Records Audit
Responsibility to Notify the Authority of Changes
Displaying EMS Provider Licensure Level
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-265-0030’s source at