OAR 333-265-0058
Emergency Initial Provisional License




“Home licensing state” means the licensing state that currently licenses or certifies an individual seeking an emergency initial provisional license from the Authority.


“Emergency initial provisional license” is a short-term provisional license issued under this rule during a declared emergency or public health emergency to an applicant who is licensed or certified as an EMS provider in another state or an EMS provider who has been issued a provisional certification from the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


During an emergency declared under ORS 401.165 (Declaration of state of emergency) or a public health emergency declared under ORS 433.441 (Proclamation of public health emergency), the Authority may grant an emergency initial provisional license to an individual who:


Holds a:
Current license or certification as an emergency medical services provider in another state; or
Current certification or provisional certification by NREMT;


Is sponsored by an ambulance service licensed in Oregon or an EMS non-transporting agency registered with the Authority’s Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems program that intends to immediately employ the individual, in a paid or volunteer capacity; and


Submits the fee required in OAR 333-265-0030 (Fees for Licensure and License Renewal of an EMS Provider).


An emergency initial provisional license issued under this rule shall be valid for a period determined by the Authority, not to exceed six months. If the emergency still exists after six months, the Authority may renew any emergency initial provisional license for an additional six months or convert the initial provisional license to a non-provisional license when the applicant meets all licensing requirements in ORS chapter 682 and OAR chapter 333, division 265.


The Authority shall only issue an emergency initial provisional license at the same level that the applicant is currently certified by the applicant’s home licensing state or NREMT.


The Authority may request any other information or verification prior to issuing an emergency initial provisional license.


To apply for an emergency initial provisional license, an applicant must submit:


A complete application in a form provided by the Authority including, but not limited to, the following:


The applicant’s name, permanent address and phone number; and


The name of the sponsoring licensed ambulance service or registered EMS non-transporting agency.


Documentation from the sponsoring licensed ambulance service or EMS non-transporting agency as described in (2)(a)(C) that intends to immediately employ the applicant, whether in a paid or volunteer capacity.


When applicable a copy of their current license from another state to practice as an EMS provider and a copy of their current NREMT certification or provisional certification.


The Authority may deny, suspend, or revoke an emergency initial provisional license for any reason that it may deny, suspend, or revoke an EMS provider license in OAR chapter 333, division 265.


An individual with an emergency initial provisional license:


May only provide services in Oregon for the licensed ambulance service or EMS non-transporting agency listed in the application.


May not exceed the Oregon scopes of practice for EMS providers as described in OAR 847-035-0030 (Scope of Practice);


May only practice with written standing orders issued by a supervising physician as defined in OAR 847-035-0001 (Definitions) that are consistent with written standing orders issued in their home licensing state; and


Must comply with ORS chapter 682 and all rules adopted under ORS chapter 682.


The Authority may reject any application that is incomplete or is not accompanied by the required fee.

Source: Rule 333-265-0058 — Emergency Initial Provisional License, .

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Requirements for Conducting Emergency Medical Responder Courses
EMS Provider Course Requirements
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Field Internships
Paramedic Field Internships
Course Director Qualifications for EMR Courses
Approved EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic Course Director
Program Administrator and Faculty Responsibilities
EMS Provider Examinations
EMT-Intermediate Provider Examination
Application Process to Obtain an EMS Provider License
EMS Licensing Officer Application and Approval
Fees for Licensure and License Renewal of an EMS Provider
Application Review and Approval
Renewal of License
Licensure by Reciprocity
Emergency Initial Provisional License
Paramedic Provisional Licensure
Out-of-State EMS Provider Rendering Patient Care in Oregon
Reporting Obligations
Conduct or Practice Contrary to Recognized Standards of Ethics
Reverting to a Lower Level of EMT Licensure
Reinstatement of an EMS Provider License
Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal
Maintaining Continuing Education Records
Continuing Education Records Audit
Responsibility to Notify the Authority of Changes
Displaying EMS Provider Licensure Level
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-265-0058’s source at