OAR 413-015-0211
Report of Abuse


The screener must gather the following relevant information to the extent it is known by the reporter:


The extent of the alleged abuse;


The circumstances surrounding the alleged abuse;


Child functioning;


Adult functioning;


Parenting practices;


Disciplinary practices;


The location of the family’s residence and where the alleged abuse may have occurred; and


Whether the child has or may have Indian or Alaska Native heritage.


The screener may only make efforts to gather additional information from collateral contacts and law enforcement when there is insufficient information to assign the report for CPS assessment and:


The information gathered from the reporter is concerning; and


The collateral contact or law enforcement data is likely to supplement the report with sufficient information to make the screening decision.


The screener must review the Child Welfare history, if any, of the alleged victim, every identified child or young adult, parent, caregiver, and household member for the report dates, types of abuse alleged, screening decisions and CPS assessment dispositions.


The screener must assign the report for CPS assessment if


The information received constitutes a report of abuse as defined in OAR 413- 015-0115(1)(a) of a child; and the information indicates:


The alleged perpetrator resides in the same household as the alleged victim’s; or


It is the responsibility of Child Welfare to assess.


The information received constitutes a report of abuse of a child as defined in OAR 413-015-0115 (Definitions)(1)(a) or a report of abuse of a child or young adult as defined in OAR 413-015-0115 (Definitions)(1)(b); and involves a home certified by Child Welfare.


The screener determines the current report would be the fourth or greater consecutive report closed at screening regarding the same child or household and there is at least one child in the home who is less than five years of age, unless an exception has been approved by the CPS program manager or designee; or


A tribe, LEA, or OTIS requests assistance from CPS with an investigation of abuse, and a screening supervisor agrees that assistance from CPS is appropriate.


When a determination is made to assign a report for CPS assessment, the screener must determine the response timeline as follows:


Within 24 hours. This timeline must be assigned when the report indicates present danger.


Within 72 hours. This timeline must be assigned when the report indicates impending danger.


Within 10 business days. This timeline must be assigned when the report indicates no present or impending danger.


The screener must refer all reports that meet the criteria to assign for CPS assessment to a local Child Welfare office as follows:


Except as described in subsection (7)(b), the screener must refer the CPS assessment to the local office assigned to the address where the alleged victim resides, and that county is responsible for completing the CPS assessment.


When the alleged abuse occurred in a foster home, the screener must refer the CPS assessment to the local office assigned to the address where the alleged abuse occurred, and that local office is responsible for completing the CPS assessment.


Any exception to (a) or (b) of this section must be made in consultation with the Child Welfare program managers in the affected local offices.


The screener must close the report at screening if one of the following subsections applies:


The screener determines that information received:


Does not constitute a report of abuse and the screener determines that the information describes behaviors, conditions, or circumstances that pose a risk to a child; or


Is a notification described in OAR 413-015-0214 (Notifications Closed at Screening), “Notifications Closed at Screening”.


When a report is received, but the screener, after extensive efforts, is unable to obtain sufficient information to locate the alleged victim. Name and exact address are not necessary if a location is obtained.


The Oregon Child Abuse Hotline staff must cross report to law enforcement as required by OAR 413-015-0305 (Cross Reporting Requirements)(1).


The Oregon Child Abuse Hotline staff must complete the following external notifications:


Notification of law enforcement.


No later than 24 hours, when information is received from a caseworker that a child or young adult on an open CPS assessment or a child or young adult on an open Child Welfare case is identified as a sex trafficking victim.


Immediately when information gathered indicates a current suspicious physical injury.


Immediately when a crime is suspected to have occurred even if unrelated to a report of abuse:
To a child or young adult living in a home certified by Child Welfare; or
At a home certified by Child Welfare.


Notification of Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS) when a report involves a child or young adult receiving services from ODDS.
(c) Notification of Indian tribes when the screener knows or has reason to know that the child is an Indian child. A copy of the report must be sent to the tribe within 24 hours of completion of the screening report and after information related to the reporter’s identity is removed.


Notification of the reporter.


When a screener determines a report will be assigned, the screener must notify the reporter that if contact information is provided, efforts will be made by the CPS worker to inform the reporter at a later date if contact with the alleged victim was made, if abuse occurred, and if services will be provided.


When a screener determines a report will be closed at screening, the screener must notify the reporter of the following:
Contact with the alleged victim will not be made;
An abuse determination will not be made; and
Whether services will be provided.


Notification of Community Mental Health Program, Community Developmental Disabilities Program, or Adult Protective Services. The screener must make a report to the Community Mental Health Program, Community Developmental Disabilities Program, or the local Adult Protective Services office when the screener has reasonable cause to believe:


That any person 18 years of age or older with a mental illness, a developmental disability or a physical disability, or any person 65 years of age or older, with whom the screener comes into contact has suffered abuse; or


That any person with whom the screener comes into contact has abused a person 18 years of age or older with a mental illness, developmental disability, or physical disability, or any person 65 years of age or older.


The screener must obtain approval from the screening supervisor or designee prior to making a decision not to document information gathered.


The screening supervisor or designee must review all closed at screening reports no later than 24 hours from the date and time the report was received by the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline.
Child Protective Service Authority and Responsibility
Purpose of Child Protective Services
CPS Responsibility Ends
Purpose of Screening Rules
Information Received
Documentation Requirements
Report of Abuse
Additional Screening Requirements
Request for Family Support Services
Notifications Closed at Screening
Information the OTIS is Responsible for Screening
Case Management Related Information
Information or Referral
Emergency Action
Cross Reporting Defined
Purpose of Cross Reporting
Cross Reporting Requirements
Child Welfare Documentation and Verification Requirements
Purpose and Overview of the CPS Assessment Rules
Assignment of CPS Assessment
Receipt of New Information on an Open CPS Assessment
CPS Assessment Response Timelines
Exception to Completing a CPS Assessment or CPS Assessment Activities
CPS Assessment Activities
Make Initial Contact
Gather Safety Related Information through Interview and Observation
Determine if there is a Present Danger Safety Threat or Impending Danger Safety Threat
Identify How the Impending Danger Safety Threat is Occurring
Develop Safety Plans
Develop a Protective Action Plan
Develop an Initial Safety Plan
Determine Disposition of the CPS Assessment
Make Child Safety Decision and Determine Whether to Open a Case
Develop an Ongoing Safety Plan
Protective Custody and Juvenile Court Action
Required Assessments and Screenings for all Children Entering Substitute Care
Notifications at Conclusion of CPS assessment
CPS Assessment Documentation, Completion, and Supervisory Review Requirements
CPS Assessment Extensions
Additional Screening Activities When a Report Involves a Home Certified by Child Welfare
Additional CPS Assessment Activities for a Report Involving a Home Certified by Child Welfare.
Additional Activities at the Conclusion of the CPS Assessment on a Home Certified by Child Welfare
Purpose of the CPS Assessment Dispositions
Standard of Proof and Possible CPS Assessment Dispositions
Making the CPS Assessment Disposition Determination
Authority and Responsibility
LEDS Use for Child Protective Service Purposes
LEDS Use for Certification Purposes in Emergency Situations
Assessment of an Individual’s Involvement in Safety Management
Safety Service Provider Approval
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-015-0211’s source at or​.us