OAR 584-200-0030
Application Processing Requirements and Procedures


All applicants must create an online user account and use the online system for applications for licenses, endorsements, renewals, specializations, and reinstatements.


All applicants must pay for fees through the online system. Check and cash payments are not permitted.


Requirement for Complete Application: The Commission will only issue a license, registration or certificate based on a correct and complete application.


An application is incomplete if the applicant has not submitted a correct and complete application, all required fee payments, and all supporting documentation required to evaluate the application. If the application is determined to be incomplete, the applicant is issued a letter that provides a list of all items needed to complete an evaluation of the application. The letter is called an “Incomplete Letter.”


An applicant has 90 days from the date of the issuance of an Incomplete Letter to complete the application.


On the 91st day after the date of the issuance of the Incomplete Letter, an incomplete application will be closed, unless the application for licensure, registration or certificate is within a 120-day grace period, as provided in subsection (5). If the license, registration or certificate is within a grace period, the applicant will receive 90 days from the date of issuance of the Incomplete Letter or until the end of the 120-day grace period to complete the application, whichever is greater.


If an application is closed, an applicant is required to submit a new application and fee for a new or renewing license, registration or certificate.


Evaluation of Application: Licenses, registrations and certificates are issued based on the evidence in the applicant account at the time of evaluation. If an applicant submits additional acceptable evidence within 30 days of the date of issuance of a license, registration or certificate, the Director of Licensure, or designee, may re-evaluate the issuance without a new application and fee.


Expiration of License/Grace Period: A license, certificate or registration is expired one day after the expiration date on the license, certificate or registration unless the license, registration or certificate is eligible for the grace period.


The grace period is active for 120 days after the expiration date of a license, registration and certificate.


To activate the 120-day grace period, an applicant must submit a correct an application and all required fees prior to the expiration date.


If it is determined that the application was not correct or complete after the grace period is activated, the applicant has the remainder of the 120-day grace period to correct the incomplete application.


Except as provided in subsection (3), if the application is not corrected by the expiration of the 120-day grace period, the applicant must submit a new application for reinstatement of the license, registration or certificate and pay reinstatement fees. The applicant will forfeit the previous application fees and any late fees paid on the prior application.


Emergency licenses are not eligible for the 120-day grace period.


Late and Reinstatement Fees: If an applicant submits an application and all required fees after the expiration date, the license, registration or certificate will be processed according to the following provisions:


Day 1 - 30: If an applicant submits an application from one through 30 days after expiration date the applicant pays $40 late fees plus all other required fees.


Day 31 - 60: If an applicant submits an application from 31 through 60 days after expiration date, the applicant pays $80 late fees plus all other required fees.


Day 61 - 90: If an applicant submits an application from 61 through 90 days after expiration date, the applicant pays $120 late fees plus all other required fees.


Day 91 - 120: If an applicant submits an application from 91 through 120 days after expiration date, the applicant pays $160 late fees plus all other required fees.


Day 121 or more: If the applicant submits an application on or after 121 days after the expiration date, the applicant must apply for reinstatement of the license, registration or certificate and pay all required application, reinstatement and other fees.
(7) Term of License, Registration, Certificates for Late Applications: Effective July 1, 2019, if the applicant submits an application after the expiration date of the license, registration or certificate, the valid date of the new, renewed or reinstated license, registration or certificate will begin on the date of application, resulting in a lapse of licensure, registration or certification. The term of validity is three or five years from date of application, plus time to applicant’s birthday, depending on the type of license, registration or certificate.
(8) Implementation: Notwithstanding subsections (5) through (7), prior to July 1, 2019, an educator applying after the expiration date of their license, registration or certificate may receive a 120-day grace period without any interruption to the validity of their licensure, registration or certification.

Source: Rule 584-200-0030 — Application Processing Requirements and Procedures, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=584-200-0030.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-200-0030’s source at