OAR 584-200-0005
Transition to New Licensure System

(1) Effective January 1, 2016: All OAR chapter 584 rule titles, numbers and provisions adopted on or after January 1, 2016 will supersede all OAR chapter 584 rule numbers, titles and provisions adopted prior to this date. Any conflicting rule requirements within OAR chapter 584 will be resolved according to the OAR chapter 584 rule provisions effective on or after January 1, 2016.
(2) Endorsements:
(a) Effective July 1, 2015, the endorsements as provided in OAR 584-220-0010 (Endorsement on Teaching Licenses: General Provisions) will be placed on first-issue licenses and renewals.
(b) Effective July 1, 2015, all teaching licenses will be issued endorsements in accordance with Division 220, Endorsements on Teaching Licenses and subsection (2)(c) of this rule, except as provided in subsections (2)(c) and (2)(d).
(c) Multiple Subjects endorsement authorized at the Middle Level: Effective July 1, 2015, the Multiple Subjects endorsement authorized at the Middle Level is abolished. The Multiple Subjects endorsement authorized at the Middle Level will not be added to or retained with an applicant’s Initial, Initial I, Initial II, Continuing, Professional Teaching Licenses or any future licenses the applicant holds. Holders of a current or expired Multiple Subjects endorsement authorized at the Middle Level are subject to the following transition provisions:
(A) If the applicant has been assigned and taught multiple subjects (self-contained) for four full years or more in a public, charter or private school setting as evidenced by Professional Educational Experience Report (PEER) forms, the Elementary-Multiple Subjects endorsement may be added to the license. If the applicant has not taught four full years or more in an assignment that requires a multiple subjects (self-contained) endorsement, the Elementary-Multiple Subjects endorsement may not be added to the license. If necessary, the applicant and an Oregon school district may apply for an Emergency Teaching License pursuant to OAR 584-210-0130 (Emergency Teaching License) or a License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) pursuant to OAR 584-210-0160 (License for Conditional Assignment) while the applicant is in the process of qualifying for an Elementary — Multiple Subjects or another valid endorsement.
(B) If the applicant has been assigned and taught Foundational Mathematics, Foundational Language Arts, Foundational Social Studies or Foundational Science for four full years or more in a public, charter or private school setting, as evidenced by Professional Educational Experience Report (PEER) forms, the appropriate foundational subject matter endorsement may be added to the license. If the applicant has not taught four full years in an assignment that requires a foundational subject matter endorsement, the foundational subject matter endorsement may not be added to or retained on the license under this provision. If necessary, the applicant and a district may apply for an Emergency Teaching License pursuant to OAR 584-210-0130 (Emergency Teaching License) or a License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) pursuant to 584-210-0160 (License for Conditional Assignment) while the applicant is in the process of qualifying for a valid subject-matter endorsement. The applicant may add the Foundational Mathematics, Foundational Language Arts, Foundational Social Studies or Foundational Science endorsement by receiving a passing score of the appropriate Commission-approved subject mastery test. The applicant is not required to complete the pedagogy requirements for adding an endorsement to a Preliminary Teaching License as provided in chapter 584, division 220.
(C) If an educator held a Multiple Subjects endorsement authorized at the Middle Level on an Initial I, Initial II, Continuing or Professional teaching license prior to July, 1 2015, the Legacy Middle Level endorsement may be added to the license.
(d) Basic and Standard teaching licenses with Elementary Endorsements: If an educator holds or held a Basic or Standard Teaching License with an elementary endorsement and has been assigned and taught Foundational Mathematics, Foundational Language Arts, Foundational Social Studies or Foundational Science for four full years or more in a public, charter or private school setting, as evidenced by Professional Educational Experience Report (PEER) forms, the appropriate foundational subject matter endorsement may be added to the license under this provision. If the applicant has not taught four full years in an assignment that requires a foundational subject matter endorsement, the foundational subject matter endorsement may not be added to the license. If necessary, the applicant and a district may apply for an Emergency Teaching License pursuant to 584-210-0130 (Emergency Teaching License) or a License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) pursuant to 584-210-0160 (License for Conditional Assignment) while the applicant is in the process of qualifying for a valid subject-matter endorsement.
(3) Grade-Level Authorizations:
(a) Effective July 1, 2015, grade-level authorizations for Initial, Initial I, Initial II, Continuing, Professional Teaching and Distinguished Teacher Leader licenses are abolished and regardless of the printed grade authorizations held on the license, all licenses in this subsection are authorized prekindergarten through grade 12 within the scope of the NCES course codes associated with the endorsements held on the license.
(b) Effective January 1, 2016, grade-level authorizations for Basic and Standard teaching licenses are abolished and regardless of the printed grade authorizations held on the license, all licenses are authorized prekindergarten through grade 12 within the scope of the NCES course codes associated with the endorsements held on the license.
(c) Effective July 1, 2015, licensees will no longer be advised that they must add a grade-level authorization program in order to expand the grade levels on their license.
(d) Licensees advised they were required to complete a grade-level authorization program will not be held for failure to complete that requirement.
(e) The Commission will make every effort to identify these licensees to alert them to the new grade-level authorization requirements.
(4) Initial I Teaching Licenses:
(a) All applicants issued an Initial I Teaching License between July 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015 will be issued a renewal of their license in accordance with the Preliminary Teaching License adopted on January 1, 2016.
(b) Effective January 1 2016, the Initial I Teaching License will be administratively renamed to the Preliminary Teaching License.
(5) Initial I and Initial II Teaching Licenses Based on a MAT or Post-Baccalaureate Preparation Program issued prior to July 1, 2015: General Provisions: Effective July 1 2015, the completion of the advanced coursework of six (6) semester or nine (9) quarter graduate hours required to advance to the Initial II Teaching License satisfies the advanced professional education program requirements for the Professional Teaching License.
(6) Initial I Teaching Licenses Based on a Bachelor’s Degree issued prior to July 1, 2015: General Provisions: Effective July 1, 2015, for Initial I Teaching Licenses based on a Bachelor’s degree, the requirements to complete the master’s degree or equivalent post-Initial I Teaching License are modified as follows:
(a) Admission to and completion of a master’s degree or higher in education or in the arts and sciences from a regionally accredited institution, or the foreign equivalent of such degree approved by the Commission will satisfy the advanced professional education program requirements of the Professional Teaching License;
(b) Completion of thirty (30) semester hours or forty-five (45) quarter hours of graduate coursework will be considered “equivalent” to completion of a master’s degree;
(c) Effective July 1, 2015, the requirement that “equivalent” graduate coursework must include equal amounts of pedagogy; content; and electives (ten (10) semester or fifteen (15) quarter graduate hours each) has been eliminated; and
(d) Applicants who do not wish to complete these requirements may qualify for promotion to the Professional Teaching License upon completion of the advanced program requirements as provided in OAR 584-0210-0040.
(7) Initial I Teaching Licenses Based on a MAT or Post-Baccalaureate Preparation Program Issued Between July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015: First Renewal:
(a) Upon the first renewal of the Initial I Teaching License, applicants will be issued a new set of instructions for qualifying for the Professional Teaching License.
(b) Qualified applicants will be issued an Initial I Teaching license which will be administratively renamed to a Preliminary Teaching License after January 1, 2016.
(c) To qualify for first renewal of the Initial I Teaching License, an applicant subject to this subsection must:
(A) Meet the previously advised renewal requirements to show progress of 3 semester or 4.5 quarter hours (at least 90 professional development units); or
(B) Meet the new Preliminary Teaching License renewal requirements as provided in OAR 584-210-0030 (Preliminary Teaching License).
(d) If the applicant does not meet renewal requirements for either previously advised or new Preliminary Teaching License renewal options, the applicant may not renew the license. The applicant may apply to reinstate the Preliminary Teaching License upon completion of the renewal requirements in effect at the time of application for reinstatement. (See, OAR 584-210-0030 (Preliminary Teaching License) and 584-210-0190 (Reinstatement of Teaching Licenses).)
(e) Failure to complete renewal requirements is not considered an eligible emergency for purposes of the Emergency Teaching License.
(8) Initial I Teaching Licenses Based on a Bachelor’s Degree Issued Between July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015: First Renewal:
(a) Upon the first renewal of the Initial I Teaching License, applicants will be issued a new set of instructions for the requirements to qualify for the Professional Teaching License.
(b) Qualified applicants will be issued an Initial I Teaching license which will be administratively renamed to a Preliminary Teaching License after January 1, 2016.
(c) To qualify for first renewal of the Initial I Teaching License, an applicant subject to this subsection must:
(A) Meet the previously advised renewal requirements of 3 semester or 4.5 quarter hours (at least 90 professional development units); or
(B) Meet the new Preliminary Teaching License renewal requirements as provided in OAR 584-210-0030 (Preliminary Teaching License).
(d) If the applicant does not meet renewal requirements for either the previously advised renewal option or the new Preliminary Teaching License renewal option, the applicant may not renew the license. The applicant may apply to reinstate the Preliminary Teaching License upon completion of the renewal requirements in effect at the time of application for reinstatement.
(e) Generally, failure to complete renewal requirements is not considered an eligible emergency for purposes of the Emergency Teaching License.
(9) Initial I Teaching Licenses Based on a Bachelor’s Degree First Issued Between July 1, 2009 through June 30 2012: Second Renewal:
(a) Upon second and final renewal of the Initial I Teaching License, applicants will be issued a new set of instructions for the requirements that must be completed in order to obtain the Professional Teaching License.
(b) Qualified applicants will be issued an Initial I Teaching license which will be administratively renamed to a Preliminary Teaching License after January 1, 2016.
(c) To qualify for second renewal of the Initial I Teaching License, an applicant subject to this subsection must:
(A) Meet the previously advised renewal requirements to show progress of 3 semester or 4.5 quarter hours (at least 90 professional development units); or
(B) Meet the new Preliminary Teaching License renewal requirements as provided in OAR 584-210-0030 (Preliminary Teaching License).
(d) If the applicant does not meet renewal requirements for either the previously advised renewal option or the new Preliminary Teaching License renewal option, the applicant may not renew the license. The applicant may apply to reinstate the Preliminary Teaching License upon completion of the renewal requirements in effect at the time of application for reinstatement.
(e) Generally, failure to complete renewal requirements is not considered an eligible emergency for purposes of the Emergency Teaching License.
(f) If an applicant is eligible for the Professional Teaching License as provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License), the applicant will be issued the Professional Teaching License.
(10) Initial I Teaching Licenses Based on a MAT or Post-Baccalaureate Preparation Program Issued Between July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012:
(a) Qualified applicants who have completed the advanced professional education program requirements and the professional experience requirement as previously advised by the Commission will be issued the Professional Teaching License.
(b) To qualify for the Professional Teaching License, applicants subject to this subsection must:
(A) Meet previously advised advanced coursework requirement of six (6) semester or nine (9) quarter graduate hours; or
(B) Meet the new requirements for the Professional Teaching License as provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License). Under this option, the applicant may use any qualifying coursework earned during the first two terms of her or his Initial I Teaching License to satisfy the new advanced professional education program requirements.
(c) If an applicant is unable to meet requirements for the Professional Teaching License as provided in subsection (10)(b) of this rule, the applicant will be issued a renewal of the Preliminary Teaching License.
(d) To qualify for the Professional Teaching License, all applicants must also meet the professional experience requirements provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License), Professional Teaching License.
(11) Initial I Teaching Licenses Based on a Bachelor’s Degree First Issued Between July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009: No Further Renewals:
(a) Qualified applicants who have completed the advanced coursework requirements as previously advised by the Commission and the professional experience requirement will be issued the Professional Teaching License;
(b) To qualify for the Professional Teaching License, applicants subject to this subsection must:
(A) Meet previously advised advanced master’s degree or equivalent coursework requirements for the Initial II Teaching License as modified by subsection (5) and (6) of this rule; or
(B) Meet the new requirements for the Professional Teaching License as provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License). Under this option, the applicant may use any qualifying coursework earned during the first two terms of her or his Initial I teaching License to satisfy the new advanced professional education program requirements.
(c) If an applicant is unable to meet requirements for the Professional Teaching License provided in subsection (10)(b) of this rule, the applicant will be issued a renewal of the Preliminary Teaching License.
(d) To qualify for the Professional Teaching License, all applicants must also meet the professional experience requirements provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License), Professional Teaching License.
(12) Initial II Teaching Licenses:
(a) Effective July 1, 2015, the Initial II Teaching License will no longer be issued.
(b) Qualified applicants who were issued the Initial II Teaching License prior July 1, 2015 are considered to have satisfied all advanced professional education program requirements provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License), Professional Teaching License;
(c) Qualified applicants who have completed the teaching experience requirements provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License) will be issued the Professional Teaching License;
(d) Qualified applicants who do not have sufficient teaching experience to meet the requirements for OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License), Professional Teaching License, will be issued a continuously renewable Preliminary Teaching License as provided in OAR 584-210-0030 (Preliminary Teaching License), Preliminary Teaching License.
(e) On January 1, 2016, the Initial I Teaching License will be administratively renamed to the Preliminary Teaching License.
(13) Continuing Teaching Licenses:
(a) Effective March 1, 2014, the Continuing Teaching License is no longer issued.
(b) Qualified Continuing Teaching License holders will be issued a Professional Teaching License with instructions on how to qualify and apply for the Teacher Leader License;
(14) Basic Teaching Licenses:
(a) Effective January 1, 2016, the Basic Teaching License will no longer be issued.
(b) Qualified applicants who were issued the Basic Teaching License prior to December 31, 2015 are considered to have satisfied all advanced professional education program requirements provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License), Professional Teaching License;
(c) Qualified applicants who have completed the teaching experience requirements provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License) will be issued the Professional Teaching License;
(d) Qualified applicants who do not have sufficient teaching experience to meet the requirements for OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License), Professional Teaching License, will be issued the Legacy Teaching License unless the applicant requests to have the Preliminary Teaching License.
(15) Standard Teaching Licenses:
(a) Effective January 1, 2016, the Standard Teaching License will no longer be issued.
(b) Qualified Standard Teaching License holders will be issued a Professional Teaching License.
(16) First Time Out of State Applicants:
(a) Effective January 1, 2016, the Initial Teaching License will no longer be issued.
(b) Qualified new out of state applicants will be issued a Reciprocal Teaching License as provided in OAR 584-210-0060 (Reciprocal Teaching License).
(17) Five Year Teaching Licenses (Pre-1965 licenses):
(a) Effective January 1, 2016, the pre-1965 Five Year Teaching Licenses will no longer be issued.
(b) Qualified Five Year Teaching License holders will be issued the Professional Teaching License.
(18) Teaching Licenses with Communication Disorder endorsements (speech language pathology):
(b) Until June 30, 2016, qualified applicants may be issued new non-provisional teaching licenses with special education: communications disorder endorsements.
(c) Effective July 1, 2016, new special education: communication disorder endorsements (speech language pathology) will no longer be issued.
(d) Effective July 1, 2016, licensed educators issued a non-provisional special education: communication disorder endorsements or other similar speech language pathology endorsements prior to June 30, 2016 are grandfathered into the licensure system and will be able to keep their special education: communication disorder endorsement. Grandfathered qualified applicants will be able to renew and reinstate teaching licenses with the special education: communication disorder endorsement. Applicants may not reinstate a restricted teaching license with a communication disorder or other similar speech pathology endorsement.
(19) Endorsements transitioning to Specializations:
(a) Early Childhood: All licenses issued prior to January 1, 2016 with an early childhood authorization or endorsement will be issued an early childhood specialization upon renewal of the license.
(b) ESOL/Bilingual: All licenses issued prior to January 1, 2016 with an ESOL/Bilingual endorsement will be issued an ESOL endorsement with a bilingual specialization upon renewal of the license.
(20) ESEA Alternative Route Teaching License Transition: Effective January 1, 2016, the ESEA Alternative Route Teaching License is no longer issued. Qualified applicants issued an ESEA license prior to January 1, 2016 must transition to full licensure at the end of their current three-year license term.
(21) Administrative and Personnel Service License Title Name Changes: Effective January 1, 2016, administrative and personnel service educator licenses titles will be renamed as follows:
(a) Basic Administrator is retitled to Legacy Administrator;
(b) Standard Administrator is retitled to Professional Administrator;
(c) Initial Administrator is retitled to Preliminary Administrator;
(d) Continuing Administrator is retitled to Professional Administrator;
(e) Distinguished Administrator is retitled to Distinguished Administrator;
(f) Transitional Administrator is retitled to Reciprocal Administrator;
(g) Transitional Superintendent is retitled to Reciprocal Superintendent;
(h) Restricted Administrator is retitled to Restricted Administrator;
(i) Exceptional Administrator is retitled to Exceptional Administrator;
(j) Emergency Administrator is retitled to Emergency Administrator;
(k) Basic Personnel Service with a Basic or Standard Counselor endorsement is retitled to Legacy School Counselor;
(l) Basic Personnel Service with a Basic or Standard School Psychologist endorsement is retitled to Legacy School Psychologist;
(m) Standard Personnel Service with a Standard Counselor endorsement is retitled to Professional School Counselor;
(n) Standard Personnel Service with a Standard School Psychologist endorsement is retitled to Professional School Psychologist;
(o) Standard School Counselor is retitled to Professional School Counselor;
(p) Initial I School Counselor is retitled to Preliminary School Counselor;
(q) Initial II School Counselor is retitled to Preliminary School Counselor;
(r) Continuing School Counselor is retitled to Professional School Counselor;
(s) Transitional School Counselor is retitled to Reciprocal School Counselor;
(t) Restricted School Counselor is retitled to Restricted School Counselor;
(u) Emergency School Counselor is retitled to Emergency School Counselor;
(v) Basic School Psychologist is retitled to Preliminary School Psychologist;
(w) Standard School Psychologist is retitled to Professional School Psychologist;
(x) Initial School Psychologist is retitled to Preliminary School Psychologist;
(y) Continuing School Psychologist is retitled to Professional School Psychologist;
(z) Transitional School Psychologist is retitled to Reciprocal School Psychologist;
(aa) Limited Student Services is retitled to Limited Student Services;
(bb) Initial School Social Worker is retitled to Preliminary School Social Worker;
(cc) Continuing School Social Worker is retitled to Professional School Social Worker;
(dd) Transitional School Social Worker is retitled to Reciprocal School Social Worker;
(ee) Restricted School Social Worker is retitled to Restricted School Social Worker; and
(ff) Emergency School Social Worker is retitled to Emergency School Social Worker.
(22) Effective February 15, 2019, the administrator licenses will be retitled as follows:
(a) The Initial Administrator and Preliminary Administrator License is retitled to the Principal License. All holders of Initial Administrator or Preliminary Administrator License will be transitioned to a Principal License.
(b) Distinguished Administrator License is retitled to the Professional Administrator License.
(23) Initial or Preliminary Administrator License: All applicants issued an Initial or Preliminary Administrator License prior to February 15, 2019 may be issued a renewal of their license, as follows:
(a) From February 15, 2019 through August 1, 2022, applicants may renew their license in accordance with:
(A) The renewal requirements of 584-235-0020 (Principal License), Principal License; or
(B) The renewal requirements stated in the official TSPC letter issued with their most recent Initial or Preliminary Administrator License.
(c) If an applicant renews their administrator license in accordance with the requirements of 584-235-0020 (Principal License), Principal License, the applicant must renew in accordance with the requirements of 584-235-0020 (Principal License), Principal License or 584-235-0030 (Professional Administrator License) Professional Administrator License for all subsequent renewals.
(d) After August 1, 2022, all applicants must renew their license as provided in 584-235-0020 (Principal License), Principal License.
(24) Effective August 1, 2022, or the effective date of Commission approval of an education preparation provider’s (EPP) Principal License program, as provided in 584-420-0060 (Principal License: Program Standards), or the Professional Administrator License program, as provided in 584-235-0070, if sooner, EPPs may recommend candidates for the Principal Administrator and Professional Administrator Licenses, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook.

Source: Rule 584-200-0005 — Transition to New Licensure System, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-200-0005’s source at