OAR 584-200-0060
Addresses and Uses of Addresses


The Commission will use the most recent mailing and email address on the licensee’s or applicant’s account to provide information to the licensee or applicant.


A license, registration or certificate holder must report changes of residential, mailing and email addresses within 90 days of the change;


All licenses, registrations, certificates, or correspondence will be sent to the last known email address on file for the educator. Notices and gold-seal paper licenses will be sent to the last known residential or mailing address on file for the educator.


If the educator fails to notify the Commission of a new mailing or email address, the applicant may not receive all information related to their license, registration or certificate. In these cases, the Commission is not responsible for any consequence or action resulting from the applicant’s failure to receive important information related to licensure, registration, certification or discipline.


The Commission may send notice for opportunity for a hearing pursuant to ORS 342.175 (Grounds for discipline) (notice of charges related to discipline) or ORS 183.430 (Hearing on refusal to renew license) (notice of denial of renewal) to an educator at the address the educator provides in writing to the Commission. The Commission may complete service of notice under ORS 342.143 (Issuance of licenses and registrations)(4), 342.176 (Complaint process)(5) or 183.430 (Hearing on refusal to renew license), by mailing the notice through certified or registered mail addressed to the educator’s address on file with the Commission and such mailing will be deemed conclusive evidence of service.

Source: Rule 584-200-0060 — Addresses and Uses of Addresses, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-200-0060’s source at