OAR 584-200-0040
Expedited Service for Licensure, Registration and Certificate Applications


Pursuant to ORS 342.125 (Types of licenses), expedited service is defined as the priority processing of a license, registration or certificate within two working days after receiving a correct and complete application.


Expedited service is only available in the following circumstances:


District requests for the issuance of a license, registration or certificate in an urgent situation; and


Military Spouse or Military Domestic Partner Applications pursuant to ORS 342.195 (Teaching licenses based on experience in certain federal programs)(2).


Except as provided in subsection (6) of this rule, only a district may request an expedited service of a license, registration or certificate application. To request an expedited service on an application, a district must provide:


A request to expedite service on the application.


A request for expedited service will not be accepted until a correct and complete application is received. A correct and complete application must include:
Evidence of meeting all requirements for the license, certification or registration associated with the application;
A background clearance; and
Payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).


If the district requests an expedited service prior to the application being correct and complete, the request will be considered null and void. The district must resubmit the request after a correct and complete application is received;


A Statement of Need describing the urgent situation requiring the expedited service. The district may be required to provide evidence to support the Statement of Need; and


The expedited service fee pursuant to OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).


Upon receipt of a request for expedited service on a correct and complete application, the license will be issued within two working days. The two working day provision does not apply to incomplete applications or incomplete requests for expedited service.
Note: An application is not complete until all background clearance protocols and items within the Executive Director’s discretion are finalized.


Applications for renewal within the 120 grace period are not eligible for expedited service unless:


The application was submitted too late to allow processing within the 120 period following the expiration date on the license; and


All late and expedited fees have been paid.


To be eligible for expedited service of a military spouse or military domestic partner application pursuant to ORS 342.195 (Teaching licenses based on experience in certain federal programs)(2), an applicant must:


Hold a current license from another state;


Be a military spouse or domestic partner of an active member of the Armed Forces of the United States who has been subject to a military transfer to Oregon within the 12 months prior to the application of the license;


Submit a complete application as provided in OAR chapter 584, divisions 210, 70 or 80, including evidence of the spousal or domestic relationship and evidence of the recent military transfer; and


Submit the fees for an out-of-state evaluation and for the expedited service.


A qualifying applicant for an expedited military spouse or domestic partner of an active member of the Armed Forces of the United States will only be eligible for an equivalent license issued by the Commission if:


The applicant has met all the requirements of the license for which the applicant is applying; and


The applicant has not been subject to discipline in another state against any educator certificate, license or charter school registration. For this section, discipline is defined as any discipline for conduct that would bar an applicant from licensure as an educator in the state of Oregon.

Source: Rule 584-200-0040 — Expedited Service for Licensure, Registration and Certificate Applications, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=584-200-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-200-0040’s source at