OAR 584-200-0090
Preparation in Another Country


Applicants who have completed professional education preparation programs outside the United States may be eligible for Oregon educator licensure. Prior to qualifying for licensure, the applicant must submit their foreign educator qualifications to the Commission for official evaluation as provided:


The evaluation may include official foreign transcript evaluation in the form and manner required by the Commission.


The evaluation may include official translation or evaluation of other required documents at the discretion of the Executive Director or designee.


Any expense associated with the professional translation or evaluation services is the responsibility of the applicant.


Upon evaluation of the foreign documentation, the Commission may waive, in part or in whole, Oregon educator licensure requirements in accordance with 584-200-0100 (Waiver of Licensure Requirements by the Commission). The waiver of licensure requirements is within the sole discretion of the Executive Director or designee.

Source: Rule 584-200-0090 — Preparation in Another Country, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-200-0090’s source at