OAR 584-200-0120
Reimbursements for Diverse License Applicants


Pursuant to section 48, chapter 122, Oregon Laws 2019, the Commission may disburse moneys from the TSPC General Program Fund to applicants for reimbursement of the direct costs of seeking and obtaining Oregon teacher, administrator, and personnel service licensure or renewal and assessment fees leading to licensure, registration, or certification.
(2) Definitions. For the purpose of this rule, “diverse” shall have the meaning found in ORS 342.433 (Definitions for ORS 342.433 to 342.449).
(3) Eligible Recipients: To be eligible for reimbursement of licensure expenses, a teacher, administrator or personnel service license applicant must:


Be of diverse origins or language; and


Have applied for a teacher, administrator or personnel service license, registration, certificate, or to add an endorsement or specialization or renewal under ORS 342.125 (Types of licenses), ORS 342.144 (American Indian languages teaching license), or ORS 342.475 (School nurses) on or after July 1, 2020.


Eligible Reimbursement Costs: For each reimbursement application, the applicant may receive a reimbursement subject to the approval of the Executive Director for the following actual, direct, and eligible expenses incurred for TSPC licensure or renewal and assessment leading to licensure:


The total license application fees for TSPC licensure or renewal, including fingerprint costs assessed through the e-Licensing Portal;


The charges for fingerprinting through Fieldprint or other approved vendor;


The total expenses for assessment costs associated with the approved license, see section (5) below. Pre-paid assessment fees provided by TSPC under section (6) of this rule may not be included in the licensee reimbursement application.


Expenses to obtain a transcript and other official documents required by TSPC for licensure, including foreign transcript evaluation.


Reasonable tuition for tutoring or remedial courses not otherwise eligible for financial aid that are necessary to achieve teacher, administrator, or personnel service candidacy for licensure, as determined by the educator preparation program.


Travel expenses: IRS-reimbursable mileage costs from residence to testing center and back.


Other expenses as approved by Executive Director.


Assessment Costs: To be eligible for reimbursement of the direct costs of an assessment leading to licensure, the applicant must provide evidence acceptable to the Commission that the assessment was approved by the Commission or NASDTEC jurisdiction.
(6) Pre-Paid Fees: Assessment reimbursement may be provided through an arrangement between TSPC and testing providers, such as assessment vouchers or direct billing.
(7) Ineligible Expenses: An applicant may not be reimbursed for all Teacher Licensure expenses. Ineligible expenses include, but are not limited to:


Returned check fees;


Any fees refunded or waived by TSPC, ETS, Pearson, EPPs, School Districts, and ESDs.


Any expenses not actually incurred by the applicant or reimbursed by any other entity.


Documentation of Expenses: Claimed expenses will not be reimbursed without adequate documentation, such as appropriate receipts, as approved by the Executive Director.

Source: Rule 584-200-0120 — Reimbursements for Diverse License Applicants, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=584-200-0120.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-200-0120’s source at