OAR 584-200-0070
Name Changes


An applicant must notify the TSPC agency of an official name change within 90 days of the name change becoming effective by:


Notification of a name change in writing and sending the required documentation of the official name change by mail to the TSPC offices;


Notification of a name change through their TSPC user account and uploading the required documentation to the account.


All notifications of name changes must include the educator’s former and full new names, user account ID number, date of birth and a copy of one of the following documents:


An official passport issued by the United States;


An official government-issued marriage certificate/license (signed by a government official and including a filed date, stamp, seal or other notation showing that the document has been filed with a government agency);


A record of Domestic Partnership issued by Oregon Vital Statistics signed by a government official with a stamp or seal showing the document has been recorded with the State Registrar;


An out-of-state government issued record of Domestic Partnership signed by a government official with a stamp or seal showing the document was filed with the city, county or state agency responsible for registering Domestic Partnerships in that state;


A U.S. city, county or state court-issued divorce decree, judgment of dissolution of marriage, annulment of marriage decree, judgment of dissolution of domestic partnership, or annulment of domestic partnership;


A government-issued death certificate of spouse, that includes a connection to your current full legal name (signed by a government official and including a stamp to show that the document has been filed);


Oregon Driver License, Instruction Permit or ID Card;


Military ID card, Common Access card and Uniform Services ID & Privilege card (including all branches of military personnel and dependents, not including Merchant Marines);


Other U.S. state, U.S. territory, District of Columbia, Canadian or U.S. Department of State driver license, instruction permit or identification card;


Oregon Concealed Weapon permit/Concealed Handgun license; or


Tribal identification card issued by a federally recognized tribe.


If the educator reverts to a name previously established with the Commission, the notification must be in writing and must include the educator’s previously established name and the new names and TSPC Account ID. Documentation from a court is not required, but other evidence that the educator is using the former name must be supplied.


If a new paper gold seal license is requested bearing the new name, an application and gold seal paper license fee are required.

Source: Rule 584-200-0070 — Name Changes, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-200-0070’s source at