OAR 125-090-0030
Carpool Incentives


When capitalized in these rules:


“Carpool” means a registered group of an eligible State Employee and one or more employed others who use a ride-sharing arrangement to commute to work in a Carpool area no fewer than two-thirds of the working days in each calendar month.


“Carpool Area” means any one of these qualifying Carpool areas:


“Downtown Eugene Area” means that qualifying Carpool area within the City of Eugene bounded by Third Street on the north, Fairmount Street on the east, 24th Street on the south and Washington Street on the west.


“Downtown Portland Area” means that qualifying Carpool area within the City of Portland bounded by Hoyt Street on the north, the Willamette River on the east and I-405 on the south and west.


“Lloyd District Area” means that qualifying Carpool area within the City of Portland bounded by Broadway on the north, N.E. 16th on the east, I-84 on the south and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. on the west.


“Salem Area” means that qualifying Carpool area within the City of Salem bounded by Market Street on the north, 17th Street on the east, Mission Street on the south and the Willamette River on the west. The Capitol Mall Parking Area is in the Salem Area.


“Participant” means a registered member of a Carpool.


“Primary Participant” means the State Employee Participant with responsibility for certifying Participant membership in a Carpool and paying the charge for the monthly permit for the Carpool.


To encourage participation in Carpools, DAS may offer priority parking space assignments and Carpool reductions to the base rate established in the Schedule of Base Rates and Charges. Such incentive reductions will be based upon the number of Participants in each Carpool.


A State Employee must complete an application and a State payroll deduction authorization for the applicable amount stated in 125-090-0140 (Schedule of Base Rates and Charges for Parking Facilities) to obtain a monthly permit at a Carpool rate.


In addition to providing any information required in the application form prescribed by DAS, an Applicant shall provide the make, year and model of all vehicles participating in the Carpool, and provide all of the following information for each Participant:




Work e-mail, phone number and address.


All Participants must sign the application and semi-annual recertification. While in a Carpool, a Participant may not be registered concurrently in any other Carpool or Smart Commuter Program, nor may a Participant lease concurrently a parking space in any other public or private parking facility.


DAS will issue only one permit number per Carpool, which number is transferable among the Participant vehicles. This permit must be conspicuously displayed in a Carpool vehicle parked at a Parking Facility. The monthly permit authorizes Carpool parking in an assigned space or an unreserved space in an assigned Parking Facility.


Carpool certifications under this section expire on the last day of each semi-annual period. DAS may not renew a monthly permit with a Carpool incentive reduction until DAS receives the required recertification.


In order to qualify for an incentive reduction, each Carpool must:


Include at a minimum two employees, at least one of which must be a State Employee in the State payroll system, and all of which must work within the Salem Area, the Downtown Eugene Area, the Lloyd District, or the Downtown Portland Area; and


Certify semi-annually in writing to DAS the composition of the Carpool, and that all Participants ride in the Carpool no fewer than two-thirds of the working days in each calendar month. DAS will notify the Primary Participant when recertification is required.


DAS will register the Carpool in the name of the Primary Participant who will receive a Carpool incentive reduction on the monthly permit.


The Primary Participant is responsible to report to DAS in writing immediately any changes in Participants and vehicles in the Carpool. Participants added or removed from the Carpool before the fifteenth of the month will affect the Carpool rate for that month. Participants added or removed from the Carpool after the fifteenth of the month will affect the Carpool rate for the following month.


A Carpool or parking space assignment may be transferred within the Carpool from the Primary Participant to another State Employee Participant who has been a member of the Carpool for a minimum of six months, so long as the group continues to meet the conditions outlined in section (4) of this rule. The new Primary Participant must submit in writing to DAS the composition of the Carpool membership at the time the parking permit or parking space assignment is transferred. The Participants must complete the process in section (3) of this rule.


A permit for a Carpool authorizes parking for only one vehicle in the Carpool Area at any time. A permit for a Carpool is valid only in the vehicle where it is displayed and only for the vehicles registered to the Carpool. Both vehicles violate this rule if more than one vehicle uses or attempts to use the same permit in the qualifying Carpool Area at the same time. DAS limits to six, in any thirty-day period, the number of times a Carpool may call in to be authorized by vehicle license to park without displaying the permit. An oral authorization by DAS to park without displaying a permit is invalid if the numbered permit for the Carpool is found displayed at the same time in another vehicle in the Carpool Area.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


Subject to the discretion of DAS, which considers such factors as the wait list, a Parking Facility assignment or a reserved parking space assigned to a Primary Participant in a Carpool may be retained by or transferred to an individual State Employee Participant of the Carpool at the non-Carpool rate if that Participant has been a member of the Carpool for at least the two immediately preceding years, and no other transfer of the Parking Facility assignment or assigned reserved parking space is requested by any other Participant of the Carpool.


DAS will give priority among two or more requesting eligible Participants in the following order to the Participant who:


Was the current Primary Participant of the Carpool;


Has been a continuous member of the Carpool for the longest time; or


Holds the earliest Hire Date.


DAS shall review the incentives available for Carpools from time to time, and DAS may adjust the incentives and provide additional incentives to encourage the use of Carpools. The Carpool incentive reductions are in the Schedule of Base Rates and Charges.


DAS may deny renewal of Carpool parking authorization for violation of this rule. Under OAR 125-090-0130 (Enforcement), DAS may cite and prosecute each Participant for any violation of these rules.

Source: Rule 125-090-0030 — Carpool Incentives, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 125-090-0030’s source at