Purpose and Scope 583‑030‑0009
Exclusions 583‑030‑0010
Exemptions 583‑030‑0015
Definitions of Terms 583‑030‑0016
Exclusive Use of Term “University” 583‑030‑0020
Exercise of Office of Degree Authorization Authority 583‑030‑0025
General Conditions Required for Residential or Semi-residential Degree Program Authorization 583‑030‑0030
Application Procedure 583‑030‑0032
Review Process for Degrees 583‑030‑0035
Standards for Schools Offering Degree Programs In or From Oregon 583‑030‑0036
Schools With Limited Resident Instruction in Oregon 583‑030‑0038
Nondegree Certificates and Diplomas Granted by Degree-Granting Schools 583‑030‑0039
Honorary Degrees 583‑030‑0041
Authorization Statement in School Catalog 583‑030‑0042
Reporting Requirements 583‑030‑0043
Duty to Notify Employees and Students of Change in Status 583‑030‑0044
State Responsibility for Student Records 583‑030‑0045
At-Risk, Probation, Revocation or Suspension of Authorization 583‑030‑0046
Fees and Expenses 583‑030‑0049
Criminal and Civil Penalties 583‑030‑0051
Surety Bonds Generally 583‑030‑0052
Letters of Credit Generally 583‑030‑0053
Entity Name Required on Bond or Letter of Credit 583‑030‑0054
Cancellation of Bond or Letter of Credit by Surety or Institution 583‑030‑0056
Bond and Letter of Credit Amounts 583‑030‑0059
Temporary Closure 583‑030‑0063
Emergency State Authorization for Non-Oregon, Non-Authorized Schools
Purpose and Scope 583‑030‑0009
Exclusions 583‑030‑0010
Exemptions 583‑030‑0015
Definitions of Terms 583‑030‑0016
Exclusive Use of Term “University” 583‑030‑0020
Exercise of Office of Degree Authorization Authority 583‑030‑0025
General Conditions Required for Residential or Semi-residential Degree Program Authorization 583‑030‑0030
Application Procedure 583‑030‑0032
Review Process for Degrees 583‑030‑0035
Standards for Schools Offering Degree Programs In or From Oregon 583‑030‑0036
Schools With Limited Resident Instruction in Oregon 583‑030‑0038
Nondegree Certificates and Diplomas Granted by Degree-Granting Schools 583‑030‑0039
Honorary Degrees 583‑030‑0041
Authorization Statement in School Catalog 583‑030‑0042
Reporting Requirements 583‑030‑0043
Duty to Notify Employees and Students of Change in Status 583‑030‑0044
State Responsibility for Student Records 583‑030‑0045
At-Risk, Probation, Revocation or Suspension of Authorization 583‑030‑0046
Fees and Expenses 583‑030‑0049
Criminal and Civil Penalties 583‑030‑0051
Surety Bonds Generally 583‑030‑0052
Letters of Credit Generally 583‑030‑0053
Entity Name Required on Bond or Letter of Credit 583‑030‑0054
Cancellation of Bond or Letter of Credit by Surety or Institution 583‑030‑0056
Bond and Letter of Credit Amounts 583‑030‑0059
Temporary Closure 583‑030‑0063
Emergency State Authorization for Non-Oregon, Non-Authorized Schools