OAR 583-030-0046
Fees and Expenses

Effective January 13, 2015:


Each application from a school seeking new or renewed authorization to confer or offer to confer a degree, or through instruction or related services to provide academic credit applicable to a degree, shall be accompanied by payment of a fee to the “Higher Education Coordinating Commission.” There is no entitlement to refund of a paid fee under any circumstances. The fee is intended to recover the expenses of carrying out a review and providing services to a school during its period of authorization.


The fees imposed by the Commission for reviewing applications seeking new or renewed authorization to confer or offer to confer a degree are based on the schedule established by the Legislative Assembly in ORS 348.606 (Prohibition on conferring or offering of degree before approval obtained).


Fee discounts.


In reviewing simultaneous application for two or more degrees, the Commission, at its discretion, may reduce the fee for review of a degree that is closely related in type and content to one on the same level for which the full fee is paid. Such a reduction ordinarily depends on the provision of instruction by a single faculty for both degrees. Degrees on the same level using at least 50 percent of the same courses, taught by at least 50 percent of the same faculty, will be treated as one degree application for review and fee purposes.


The Commission, at its discretion, may also reduce the fee when institution size, low faculty and administrative turnover, stability of ownership or board membership or other factors substantially reduce staff time required for evaluation and subsequent oversight and service. Such reductions are limited to 20 percent below the basic fee.


The fee for religious-exempt schools may not exceed the lesser of the actual cost to the Commission of determining the school’s compliance with the requirements for an exemption under ORS 348.604 (Exemption from ORS 348.594 to 348.615), and may not exceed $1,000.


Application from a school for authorization to offer instruction or related services providing academic credit applicable to a degree offered only by another school or schools shall be accompanied by fees proportionate to those established in the paragraph immediately above. However, such fees may be discounted at the discretion of the Commission to reflect a program of reduced dimension if and only when the necessary review analysis is concomitantly reduced.


When the Commission’s Executive Director finds it necessary to pay an expert outside consultant for assistance in reviewing an application, or when it incurs other unusual expenses in the course of review, all costs thus incurred may be charged to the applicant school in addition to the basic fee.

Source: Rule 583-030-0046 — Fees and Expenses, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 583-030-0046’s source at