OAR 583-030-0036
Schools With Limited Resident Instruction in Oregon

Effective January 13, 2015:


Accredited schools offering limited resident instruction in Oregon are reviewed using modified standards and procedures under the following conditions:


Courses are highly specialized or offered for a period of less than three years;


Information from the school is clear;


Advice and assistance are accessible for students;


Tuition refund policies meet requirements established by the Commission;


Program evaluation is done systematically by the school;


Curricula for Oregon students are identical to those at a main campus;


Instruction relayed either live or on recordings is received in Oregon just as it was presented during resident instruction;


Academic assignments and testing and grading policies for Oregon students are identical to those for students on a main campus; and


All members of the faculty teaching from Oregon or teaching Oregon students hold degrees meeting Oregon standards.


If limited or restricted residential instruction is authorized, the client organization must ensure full library services, employ persons qualified by a higher degree and experience to judge the quality of the degree program, and appoint a site coordinator who will assist with any inspections and provide information to the Commission.

Source: Rule 583-030-0036 — Schools With Limited Resident Instruction in Oregon, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 583-030-0036’s source at