OAR 583-030-0020
Exercise of Office of Degree Authorization Authority

(1) A school that intends to offer to anyone from within Oregon or offer to Oregon residents from outside the state any form of instruction, lecture, training, tutoring, seminar, workshop, examination, evaluation, or other service represented as contributing credit or otherwise leading toward a specified or unspecified degree or certificate that will or might be conferred anywhere shall notify the Commission at least 6 months in advance and then promptly supply all information the Commission requests. Failure to notify the Commission in advance, or to provide information as directed, may result in the permanent denial of approval for the school to offer any services in or from Oregon, as well as administrative action, up to and including assessment of civil penalties.
(2) Schools that offer no degrees in Oregon but want to offer a certificate are subject to the requirements of ORS chapter 345 and OAR chapter 715, division 45.
(3) Schools intending to apply for authorization or exemption from the Commission shall provide the Commission with information about the school’s ownership and structure, proposed programs, and relationships to other institutions, if any. On the basis of this preliminary information, the Commission’s executive director will determine whether the school:
(a) Must apply for state authorization to offer instruction or related services leading to one or more degrees under the standards of OAR 583-030-0035 (Standards for Schools Offering Degree Programs In or From Oregon) or 583-083-0036;
(b) Is exempt for other than religious reasons under ORS 348.597 (Applicability of ORS 348.594 to 348.615);
(c) Is eligible for exemption under ORS 348.604 (Exemption from ORS 348.594 to 348.615) and therefore has a choice of standard state approval or religious exemption.
(4) A school that applies for degree authorization or exemption shall use forms and follow procedures determined by the Commission. Failure to comply constitutes good reason to reject an application. Such school shall be open to inspection and may be inspected at any time to verify its statements and to examine facilities. Inspection of a school and evaluation of its application will be performed by state officials or consultants at the Executive Director’s discretion, and results will be utilized as the Commission consider appropriate. Information from other examiners, such as accreditors or professional licensing agencies, may accompany materials submitted by the school and may be used by the Commission at its discretion.
(a) Authorization is normally given for the state as a whole, but may be limited by the Commission in order to ensure program quality or operational stability.
(b) The Commission, on the basis of judgment about the relationship between a curriculum and a degree title, may require revision of title. Degree titles may not contain the name of organizations, companies or products.
(c) Authorization is given for a specific degree for a fixed period of not less than two or more than four calendar years. The executive director may vary the length of approval periods by up to one year subject to the four-year limit in order to consolidate applications or renewals for the convenience of the school or the Commission.
(8) Approval of a degree by the commission does not constitute approval of the program as training for professional practice when the state licenses or otherwise regulates professional practice. Applicants must also seek approval from the appropriate state licensing entity.
(9) The Commission or its designee may enter into agreements and assess fees to cover costs of any proceeding relating to complaints as allowed by statute, including conducting an investigation, contracting with outside entity to conduct an investigation, or holding an administrative hearing, brought pursuant to 715-011-0090 (Hearing).

Source: Rule 583-030-0020 — Exercise of Office of Degree Authorization Authority, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 583-030-0020’s source at