OAR 583-030-0030
Application Procedure

Effective September 10, 2015:


A school seeking initial degree authorization should allow three months to prepare its application and six additional months for review by the Commission. Approval of exempt degrees and abbreviated reviews for certain external or semi-residential degrees or for limited or restricted residential instruction may require less time. To be considered timely, a complete application for renewal of an existing authorization must be submitted six months before the date that authorization expires, and a school seeking renewal is fully responsible for beginning the procedure.


In order to be valid, application must be made by the method determined by the Commission, including completion according to instruction of any forms provided for the purpose. Modification will be allowed by explicit permission only. The applicant school shall submit any information requested by the Commission and may submit such supplemental information as it considers pertinent. The Commission will provide advice.


Program approval may be made conditional on approval of employees hired after the approval date.


Application for authorization to offer a degree or to provide services leading to a degree in whole or in part must be accompanied by payment of the fee described in OAR 583-030-0046 (Fees and Expenses) or such reduced fee as is determined by the Commission in special circumstances. Several curricula leading to the same degree may be submitted as part of a single application.

Source: Rule 583-030-0030 — Application Procedure, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 583-030-0030’s source at