OAR 583-030-0042
Reporting Requirements

Effective September 10, 2015:


A non-Oregon school authorized to offer instruction or related services leading to one or more degrees but without resident instruction or with limited resident instruction in Oregon under OAR 583-030-0036 (Schools With Limited Resident Instruction in Oregon), shall submit to the Commission annually, a detailed listing of students including personal student information, such as; personal identification, demographic and program information in a form and format as directed by the Commission. In addition, in a form provided by the Commission, a brief report of activities and planning in the academic or fiscal year just ended insofar as Oregon students would be affected. In its report, the school shall describe as they might affect Oregon residents any important changes in academic or administrative policies, facilities or locations of instruction, and organization or personnel. The school shall also supply Oregon enrollment and degrees-granted data on a state form provided by the Commission, together with current catalogs and the latest independent financial audit not previously submitted. Between annual reports, the school shall send to the Commission’s executive director immediately details of any possible or anticipated change of ownership, governance, curriculum, Oregon site coordinator, teachers or other matter having potential importance to Oregon students. This provision does not apply to a non-Oregon school authorized in Oregon through a reciprocity agreement, such as the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA).


A school that offers exempt religious degrees is subject to the annual self-certification requirements set forth in ORS 348.608 (Certification by exempt school).


An authorized degree-granting school shall continue during the period of its authorization to respond promptly to any requests made by the Commission’s executive director for general or particular information and shall supply the information as directed. Monthly reporting will be required for a school determined to be at risk.


A school that ceases to offer any authorized or exempted degree or the instruction related thereto, other than during regular academic recesses, shall notify the Commission’s executive director immediately and may not reinstate the degree program without permission.

Source: Rule 583-030-0042 — Reporting Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 583-030-0042’s source at