OAR 583-030-0025
General Conditions Required for Residential or Semi-residential Degree Program Authorization

Effective January 13, 2015. All applicant schools must meet the following conditions to apply for initial or renewed authorization to offer a residential or semi-residential degree to Oregon residents or to offer any degree from within Oregon to persons anywhere.


A school must appoint a responsible administrator who resides within the state and has a business address and telephone within the state, who may transact the essential business of application, and who in any case shall be made an informed party to all such business. If a non-Oregon-based school plans a small or narrowly specialized operation within this state, the executive director may permit the applicant to use an out-of-state administrator.


All programs must be designed to allow all students to work toward a degree at a rate equivalent to at least half-time study.


No school shall be eligible to apply for authorization to offer in or from Oregon any instruction or other services leading to a doctor’s degree before it has obtained accreditation or pre-accreditation candidacy at or above the bachelor’s degree level recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. However, offer of doctoral programs in another state by an unaccredited school will not automatically disqualify such school from authorization to offer degrees below the doctoral level in Oregon. The only exception to this provision is that a proposed school offering one or more doctoral programs leading to professional licensure in a field in which Oregon has such licensure may apply for approval from the Commission. In such cases, the school proposing to offer doctoral programs may apply for Commission approval only if the program is designed and intended to meet the standards for licensure required by the appropriate Oregon professional licensing board.


A foreign (non-U.S.) school is eligible to apply for Oregon approval if it is approved to offer degrees by the appropriate agency in its home country and the Commission finds that its home country has adequate oversight of academic programs. Foreign schools are not limited to offering in Oregon the same degrees for which they have approval in their home country, but may not offer degrees at a higher level in Oregon than those for which they have authorization in their home country.

Source: Rule 583-030-0025 — General Conditions Required for Residential or Semi-residential Degree Program Authorization, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 583-030-0025’s source at