OAR 583-030-0038
Nondegree Certificates and Diplomas Granted by Degree-Granting Schools

Effective January 13, 2015:


A school that is authorized to grant a degree may also grant certificates in the same field without an independent review of the certificate, provided that the certificate is granted for completion of a specified set of courses approved in a degree curriculum as part of degree authorization.


A school that is authorized to grant a degree and wants to offer a certificate in a field in which the school is not authorized to grant a degree must apply for approval for the certificate. The process will be shorter and less elaborate than for a degree authorization.

Source: Rule 583-030-0038 — Nondegree Certificates and Diplomas Granted by Degree-Granting Schools, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 583-030-0038’s source at