OAR 603-028-0850
Licensing Requirements for Game Meat Processing


An establishment, not otherwise licensed under ORS 603.025 (Licenses required)(4)(b) or (d), that desires to process game meat to be used by the establishment or other charitable organization for human consumption under the provisions of 619.095 (When game meat inspection required)(1), shall obtain and maintain a license to operate a custom processing establishment under 603.025 (Licenses required)(4)(d). In order to obtain and maintain such a license, the establishment shall be constructed, operated, maintained and equipped in accordance with OAR 603-028-0825 (Construction and Equipment).


In order to assist the State Department of Fish and Wildlife and the State Police in carrying out their inspections as to the fitness of game meat for human consumption under ORS 619.095 (When game meat inspection required)(1), and the designation of approved charitable organizations or public institutions by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife under ORS 619.095 (When game meat inspection required)(2)(a), the Department shall furnish such state agencies with the names of the establishments licensed to process game meat, on a semi-annual basis.

Source: Rule 603-028-0850 — Licensing Requirements for Game Meat Processing, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=603-028-0850.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 603-028-0850’s source at or​.us