OAR 581-002-0017
Final Order

(1) The department shall issue a final order:
(a) If the final order is being issued pursuant to OAR 581-002-0009 (Investigation)(3)(a)(B), within 90 days of the date on which the department gave notice under OAR 581-002-0007 (Notice of Acceptance or Denial of Appeal) that it is accepting an appeal;
(b) If the final order is being issued pursuant to OAR 581-002-0011 (Conciliation)(7) or OAR 581-002-0023 (Settlement and Remediation)(7)(a), within 14 days of the date on which the department determined that a party failed to fulfill the terms of the agreement; or
(c) If the final order is being issued pursuant to OAR 581-002-0011 (Conciliation)(8), within 14 days of the date on which the conciliation period ended.
(2) The department’s final order shall include:
(a) A reference to the district decision that is on appeal;
(b) The procedural history of the proceeding;
(c) The department’s findings of fact;
(d) The department’s analysis and conclusions; and
(e) If a violation is found, a short explanation of any corrective action required by the district, including notice that the district may work with the department in devising and implementing any corrective action plan.
(3) The Director of the Oregon Department of Education may for good cause extend the time by which the department is required to issue its final order under subsection (1) of this rule.

Source: Rule 581-002-0017 — Final Order, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-002-0017’s source at