OAR 581-002-0090
Accountability Reporting Advisory Committee


The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall appoint a committee, called the Accountability Reporting Advisory Committee (ARAC), consisting of at least eight members of the educational community. No more than one voting member of the ARAC may be employed by the Oregon Department of Education. The Superintendent shall appoint a chairperson and vice chairperson.


The ARAC will have the following responsibilities:


Recommend to the Oregon Department of Education policies, procedures and methodologies regarding:


School and district report cards;


Cohort graduation rate;


Annual Measurable Objectives;


Business rules for accountability reporting;


Measurement of student growth; and


Other measures for holding schools and districts accountable for student success.


Make recommendations to the Oregon Department of Education on appeals from districts regarding accountability data where the data have not been publicly released in final form and:


The school or district submitted incorrect data or failed to submit data due to unique events that could not be predicted and/or controlled by the school or district; or


The data issue could not otherwise be remedied by correcting data used in a school or district report during the validation window available for each data collection.

Source: Rule 581-002-0090 — Accountability Reporting Advisory Committee, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=581-002-0090.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-002-0090’s source at