OAR 581-002-1810
Waiver from Teacher Training Requirements

(1) A school district may petition the Superintendent of Public Instruction or their designee for a waiver from the teacher training requirement of ORS 581-022-2440 (Teacher Training Related to Dyslexia). The written petition must specify the reason(s) the district is seeking the waiver and any other relevant information. If it is determined that the request is reasonable, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall grant the waiver.
(2) The Superintendent of Public Instruction or their designee, upon receipt of a waiver petition, will review the petition and may grant the waiver when:
(a) The designated teacher is unable to complete the training within the required time period;
(b) The trained teacher leaves his or her position in the school and the district is not able to designate and train a replacement by the beginning of the next school year;
(c) A district serving from 1 to 499 students only includes one or two elementary schools with only one K-5 teacher per grade level or less at each school and the district receives services from an Education Service District or multi-district consortium professional educator who has completed the required training;
(3) Waivers under subsections (2)(a) and (b) may be granted for up to one year. Waivers under subsection (2)(c) would remain in effect as long as the circumstances continue and as long as the district continues to receive services from the Education Service District or multi-district consortium professional educator who has completed the required training.

Source: Rule 581-002-1810 — Waiver from Teacher Training Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-002-1810’s source at