OAR 581-002-1825
Waiver for Universal Screening of Risk Factors of Dyslexia in a Student’s Native Language Other Than English


A school district may petition the Superintendent of Public Instruction or their designee for a waiver to allow the district to administer a screening for risk factors of dyslexia in a student’s native language other than English using a screening test that is not included on the Department’s approved list.


The Superintendent of Public Instruction or their designee, upon receipt of a waiver petition, will review the petition and may grant the waiver when:


Districts select measures that:


Assess each of the areas referenced in 581-002-1820 (2)(b) that has predictability for reading difficulty in that language in kindergarten;


Assess each of the areas referenced in 581-002-1820 (2)(c) that has predictability for reading difficulty in that language in first grade;


Include a fluency component; and


May be administered at multiple times across the school year.


The district includes an explanation of the process that will be used to develop benchmark goals for the measures.


Waivers would remain in effect as long as the district continues to universally screen for risk factors of dyslexia in a student’s native language other than English.

Source: Rule 581-002-1825 — Waiver for Universal Screening of Risk Factors of Dyslexia in a Student's Native Language Other Than English, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-002-1825’s source at