OAR 581-002-0025
Test Development


Definitions. As used in this rule:


“Assessment item” means test items, stimuli, graphics, reading passages, writing prompts, answer keys, and scoring rubrics developed for use on an Oregon Statewide Assessment.


“Oregon statewide assessment” means:


The English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA);


The Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) in:
Social Sciences which may include history, geography, economics and civics;
Writing Performance; and


The OAKS Extended Assessment in:
Writing Performance.


ODE shall provide translated OAKS assessments as practicable for languages which are the language of origin for at least 9 percent of Oregon’s student population for grades K–12 within 3 years after the school year in which the language first exceeds the 9 percent threshold.


ODE shall maintain advisory groups to advise ODE on the development of assessment items and policies relating to the Oregon statewide assessment system. These advisory groups shall include Oregon educators and other persons. At a minimum, ODE shall maintain the following advisory groups:


A National Technical Assessment Committee consisting of state and national experts to provide recommendations regarding:


Test design for the Oregon statewide assessments;


Best practices in assessment and accountability;


Federal compliance with assessment and accountability laws, rules, and regulations.


A separate Content and Assessment Panel for each Oregon statewide assessment. Each Content and Assessment Panel consists of educators and other persons from throughout the state and provides recommendations regarding:


The quality, appropriateness, and accuracy of assessment items; and


The alignment of assessment items to the academic content standards adopted by the State Board of Education.


A Sensitivity Panel consisting of educators and other persons representing diverse perspectives from throughout the state to:


Develop sensitivity criteria to ensure that assessment items are free of bias and stereotyping and are accessible to all Oregon students; and


Review OAKS and ELPA assessment items for compliance with the sensitivity criteria developed under Section 3(e)(A) of this rule.

Source: Rule 581-002-0025 — Test Development, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-002-0025’s source at